Medicinal Trees: Acacia, Alder and Apple

There are many trees with medicinal properties and these medicinal trees have been used since the beginning of time to heal us, shelter us and fuel our lives. In this article I will examine the bounty of the Acacia, Alder and Apple trees and their medicinal benefits to man.

Medicinal Trees – Acacia

The Acacia tree, also known as Gum Arabic or Cape Gum, has powerful medicinal benefits of being demulcent and mucilaginous. The gum which comes from these medicinal trees is made into mucilage with boiling water. Used this way, it is a demulcent that provides a protective coat over the respiratory lining, gastrointestinal and urinary tract.

When the gum from these medicinal trees is used in poultices or applied to the body externally, it easily retains moisture and warmth. It absorbs discharges and works together well with other powdered herbs for use in poultices.

When consumed internally, the gum from these medicinal trees has other powerful medicinal benefits. It lubricates and soothes the mucous membranes. This is one of the best medicinal trees for treating inflammation of the stomach, bowels and uterus.

Medicinal Trees – Alder

The Alder tree, also known as European Alder or Winterberry, is another of the greatest medicinal trees. The leaves and bark are used as an astringent and tonic. The leaves are most useful for swelling and fresh leaves are often applied directly to swollen areas for relief. They reduce pain and swelling. The leaves of these medicinal trees, green or dry, when used in a poultice will alleviate swelling of any kind.

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The fresh leaves of these medicinal trees are also beneficial for burning and/or aching feet. They are placed in the shoes under bare feet to bring relief. The feet can also be bathed in a tea made of crushed, fresh alder leaves as an alternative to reaping the medicinal benefits of these medicinal trees.

Another of the properties of these medicinal trees is its use for a sore throat. A decoction of the dry bark makes a wonderful gargle to soothe the pain and inflammation that accompanies a sore throat. Be cautious, however, as the fresh bark can cause vomiting if they are consumed.

Medicinal Trees – Apple

The apple tree is one of the most useful and famous of the medicinal trees. The fruit and bark can both be used for medicinal purposes. For example, tea made from the bark of the apple tree is an old remedy for intermittent fever. When it is consumed hot, it will promote perspiration. It has also been one of the best medicinal trees for treating nausea, vomiting, boils, insect stings and toothaches.

The fruit from these medicinal trees have many benefits. Who hasn’t heard the old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Apples are the King of Fruits and rightly so. They are beneficial for those people with diabetes, hyperacidity and problems with the liver and kidneys. Drinking apple juice with your meals or eating an apple or two per day can have an enormous benefit on the entire system.