Matrix 4 Screenplay: The Super Matrix

I know that many people loved the Matrix Trilogy just as it ended in The Matrix Revolutions; but there were also many who wished that it would continue on. I’m one of the latter. I saw a whole new level where it could go. So, for fun I wrote another episode called Matrix 4 – The Super Matrix and I thought some people might like to read it.

It’s a completely new extension of the Matrix Trilogy and a bit of a mind bender, if I do say so myself. The story paints a picture of what might have happened before The Matrix and after The Matrix Revolutions; sort of a prequel/sequel, I guess. For me it ties a lot of loose ends together and brings the story full circle.

I’ve included an excerpt from the screenplay below. If you’re interested in reading the whole thing, you can download the full-length screenplay from my site

Unless the Wachowski brothers or Warner Brothers approaches me, I have no illusions about this being made into a real movie. And I make no money or benefit from the story other than the fun of writing it and the pleasure of hearing people’s comments. This screenplay is purely for the reading enjoyment of all those who love and believe in the Matrix mystique.

Here’s a few choice reader comments that have been left on my website about the script. Maybe they’ll spark your interest.

“i was quite satisfied by the way the Trilogy ended. And i could not imagine watching another sequel even if it was created by the Wachowski brothers themselves. So when i came across your site, it was with a kinda vengeance that i downloaded the pdf (script)….but no sooner had i gone thru the first 5 pages, i have to admit that i was hooked.” Tinu

“As I got half way through, I was expecting to be let down, patiently waiting to pounce on any flaw I could find, but it didn’t happen. I was simply blown away to the end.” Corry

“This was actually near perfection for me. To be one hundred percent honest… I cannot see how any director would turn down this amazing potential. I can only hope something of such quality gets the attention it deserves.” Aiden

” …I believe your screenplay has more potential to reach the screen than any other Matrix continuation. Find a publisher, gain legal advice on retaining adaptive rights to the original material, and move forward. With material this good, you can’t fail.” Ben the Believer

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Thanks and happy reading. PD Wood



A young Persephone is sitting at a dressing vanity, naked except for some very skimpy, almost see-through lingerie. She’s making herself up for the evening. She starts talking to a MAN in another room as she starts brushing her hair.


Honey, would you check on the baby, please?


(In French) >. Could you please lay out a tie for me?



Neo walks over to just behind and to the side of where she is seated. It’s a younger Persephone, perhaps in her mid twenties. She keeps brushing her hair and staring into her reflection, appearing unaware of Neo. She startles him slightly when her eyes shift to him through the mirror.


I’ve been waiting for you to come.

Neo reacts with the embarrassment of a voyeur. She puts down the hairbrush and starts putting on some lipstick, still watching and talking to him through the mirror.


A kiss. It’s just a kiss, right?

She continues to apply her lipstick. Neo thinks about her question, but she answers before he has a chance.


No. A kiss is much more than just a kiss. A kiss is to a long romance what a painting is to a thousand words. The wine, hmm; the chocolates, delicious; the love letters, divine, of course. But they are just like the words, no? The kiss, however…the kiss…

She finishes her lipstick and, looking very sensual, stands up and turns to face him. She takes a step towards him and kisses him briefly on the lips.


The kiss is like a painting. It reveals everything at once.

She gives him a long, slow kiss. He only half resists. At the end of the kiss she is lost in ecstasy. A few moments pass. She opens her eyes and looks deeply into his.


Yes, I see. You are the one. You are the one for her. I approve.

Dressed in an expertly tailored dinner jacket, shirt unbuttoned three buttons down, a young Merovingian (whose real name is Victor) comes into the room.


Victor, what do you think? Do you approve?

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There is no indication that Neo’s presence in the same room with his almost naked wife is somehow unusual. He looks Neo up and down as if he’s known him for years but has never really looked at him carefully.


(In French) >

The Merovingian looks back between his wife and Neo a couple of times with approval.


(To Neo)

If she is in love with you, well then, of course, you have my blessing. Absolutely! Shall we have a little toast, you and I, you know, to celebrate?

(To Persephone)

Dear, do we have the time?

She nods approval and gives Neo another look as he and her husband turn to walk into the adjoining library. As they walk off, the dressing room curls up behind them, and is absorbed into the library.


The Merovingian goes to a wet bar, pulls down two cognac glasses and some cognac, pours them both a toast’s worth, and raises his glass, smiling.


She is something else, isn’t she? (In French) >

Neo nods, they kink glasses and drink. As the Merovingian walks up and looks into a full-length mirror on the wall, his happiness shifts to sad reflection.


Ah, but it is a terrible thing, though.


What is?

The Merovingian looks back at Neo.


I would do anything for that girl but, unfortunately, I don’t know who she is any more. I lost her long ago just as I have lost my wife.

He downs the remainder of his Cognac.


And I, too, am lost.

He looks very tense. Then, angrily, he turns and looks back into the full-length mirror on the wall. Neo is standing behind the Merovingian who shouts.


I’ve lost everything! What has happened to me?!

He throws his cognac glass at the mirror. The cognac glass shatters. But the mirror (with its reflections of them and the room) remains intact. And Neo and the Merovingian remain standing but everything else in the library breaks into shards (as though it were the mirrored reflection) and falls to what would be the floor surface (if it were still there).


What was the room is now a dark mountainous landscape. The mirror is still standing. The Merovingian turns to face Neo but the Merovingian is now Jarcon.

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Who are you?

Glass shards start rubbing against each other. Neo looks down and in all the shards are images of Smith who simultaneously reply.


Don’t you know?

The shards slowly come together around Jarcon’s feet and, as they are absorbed into him, serpentine strands with Smith heads begin to grow out from Jarcon’s neck and body. Neo draws back. Jarcon’s head morphs into a dragon’s head with eyes dripping venom and a mouth dripping lava. The monstrous Hydra-like form grows enormous with a hundred Smith heads dancing on serpentine tentacles. The creature attacks, grabbing and wrapping Neo in one of its long tentacles like a snake wrapping its prey. It squeezes, Neo winces. As he’s being slowly brought towards its mouth, he closes his eyes and concentrates. He visualizes the GIRL FROM THE ORACLE’S ROOM who could levitate balls. Neo causes surrounding rocks to hurl towards the creature but the Smith heads only swallow them. He tears out an enormous tree and sends it towards the creature’s head but it is engulfed in flames when the creature spews lava at it. Neo struggles as the monster slowly draws Neo to its mouth and swallows him. It snarls triumphantly at the sky but shortly after starts to show signs of internal distress. With a wail of agony it starts to writhe around. The distress increases until it finally explodes. There is a vortex of explosion debris and light trails that obscures everything.


As the view slowly clears, the surroundings morph into night on the street of a typical Matrix construct. Neo surveys the damage. Many Smith bodies appear dead and immobile, strewn across an abandoned gritty urban street. Neo breathes a sigh of relief and exhaustion. He turns to leave but then senses something. Smith bodies start getting up slowly one by one. He turns to face them.
