Masterpiece Presents the Complete Jane Austen on PBS

Jane Austen lovers are in for a treat this winter. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the venerable Masterpiece series on PBS presents a major television event: The Complete Jane Austen. This much anticipated event consists of all six Jane Austen novels, plus Miss Austen Regrets, a dramatization of Austen’s own life and loves.

Fans of the long-running PBS show Masterpiece Theatre will have to adjust to a name change, as the network has shortened the name of the respected series, changing the title to Masterpiece. Viewers of previous seasons of Masterpiece Theatre will remember hosts Alistair Cooke and Russell Baker; however, this season, the early part of Masterpiece will be hosted by former X-Files actress Gillian Anderson (who starred in Masterpiece Theatre‘s adaptation of Bleak House.)

The new season of Masterpiece will consist of three distinct parts: the first part is Classic Masterpiece: The Complete Jane Austen hosted by Anderson; the next part focuses on mystery series, and the final part features series set in modern times.

The Complete Jane Austen presents four new adaptations of Jane Austen’s novels. These new presentations include Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, and Sense and Sensibility.

Also on the schedule are previously aired series Emma, and Pride and Prejudice. Before she became known to American audiences, Kate Beckinsale was a popular young actress who starred British television shows and films, like Cold Comfort Farm. Beckinsale plays Emma, in this sparkling adaptation of one of Jane Austen’s most loved novels.

Pride and Prejudice is Austen’s most well known and beloved novel. During The Complete Jane Austen series, Masterpiece presents A&E; Television Networks classic adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, and it is the first airing of the series in the United States other than on A&E.; Colin Firth gives what many consider to be the definitive performance of Mr. Darcy and Jennifer Ehle stars as Elizabeth. (Fans of the old Masterpiece Theatre series will remember the wonderful adaptation of Pride and Prejudice presented in eighties, starring Elizabeth Garvie, Osmund Bullock, and David Rintoul.)

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The Masterpiece season kicks off with a ninety-minute adaptation of Jane Austen’s Persuasion. The story of Persuasion centers on thoughtful Anne Elliot (sensitively played by Sally Hawkins.) Anne, a 27-year-old woman considered a spinster, must overcome obstacles (such as her family’s dwindling finances) to find true love in the often restrictive society of Austen’s time. Anthony Head turns in a colorful performance as Anne’s father, the ne’er do well Sir Walter Elliot.

Another treat for Jane Austen fans is Masterpiece‘s presentation of Miss Austen Regrets. This dramatization of Austen’s life stars Hugh Bonneville, and Olivia Williams (as Jane.) This story takes a look at events in Jane’s life and in the spirit of the recent theatrical film Becoming Jane, examines Austen’s romantic affairs.

Masterpiece Presents The Complete Jane Austen debuts January 13 on PBS at 9 p.m. and airs on Sundays through March 2008. With its four new adaptations, rebroadcasts of two classic novels, plus a new biopic of Austen’s life, this series is sure to delight any Jane Austen fan.

