Mason Jar Goblet Instructions

Add a flare of country to your table by making an interesting drinking glass or goblet using a mason jar and a tapered glass candlestick holder. Pint jars work the best for this project but go all out and make a very large goblet using a quart jar. The process is the same no matter what size mason jar is used. The only rule to follow when selecting a tapered glass candlestick holder is to make sure it easily balances the mason jar so the goblet will not tip while being used.

Things you’ll need to make the goblet into a tapered glass candlestick holder, a pint mason jar, soap, water, cloth, rubbing alcohol, cotton swab, cooking sheet or dinner plate, paper plate, toothpick and clear epoxy for glass.


Step 1 – Wash the mason jar and tapered glass candlestick holder thoroughly prior to starting the project. Allow the glass items to air dry before beginning.

Step 2 – Turn the mason jar over and clean the bottom of the jar with rubbing alcohol. Dip a cotton swab in the rubbing alcohol and rub it over the bottom of the jar. Allow the jar to sit for approximately one minute to air dry. Repeat the process with the top of the rim on the tapered glass candlestick holder. Note – The rubbing alcohol removes any excess finger oil from the surface of the glass. This enables the epoxy to work more securely.

Step 3 – Place the tapered glass candlestick holder on a cookie sheet or dinner plate so the opening for the candlestick is on top. The cookie sheet or dinner plate is used to move the goblet to a safe location to dry.

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Step 4 – Squeeze a dime size drop of clear epoxy for glass on a paper plate. Mix the epoxy with a toothpick to activate.

Step 5 – Liberally spread the activated epoxy over the surface of the top edge of the tapered glass candlestick holder. Make sure the top edge is covered completely but is not to thick that it will drip over the edges of the candlestick holder.

Step 6 – Turn the mason jar so the opening is on top. Center the bottom of the mason jar over the top of the tapered candlestick holder. Hold the mason jar level and lower it to the surface of the candlestick holder. Press slightly to set in place. Allow the newly created mason jar goblet to sit for 10 minutes.

Step 7 – Carefully move the completed mason jar goblet to a safe location to dry for six to eight hours. The drying time allows the epoxy to dry securely.

Clean-up – If for some reason the epoxy spreads too far out on the bottom of the mason jar or there are drips on the glass candlestick holder, carefully wipe the epoxy from the glass surface using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Be careful not to get any rubbing alcohol in the joint or the epoxy will not set correctly.

Note – The mason jar goblet is safe to put in the dishwasher after the glue has set for six to eight hours. I personally let mine sit for 24 hours just to be on the safe side.

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