Marvel’s Classification of Mutants

In 2003 Marvel Comics had a storyline where several experts on mutants met in London. One of the things that the experts talked about was a classification system for mutants. Here is a look at the different classifications and a few examples of the mutants that fall into that class.

Alpha Mutants
The Alpha Mutants are the most powerful and most feared mutants. Alpha mutants have extremely powerful mutant traits without any significant flaws. Less than 10% of mutants are Alpha mutants so they are very rare. Some of the Alpha mutants include Cyclops, Gambit, Professor X, Havok, Colossus, and Emma Frost.

Beta Mutants
As far as how potent their powers are Beta Mutants are on the same level as Alpha mutants. The difference between Beta Mutants and Alpha Mutants is that the Beta Mutants have flaws, albeit very small flaws. The Beta mutants are also believed to be about 10% of the mutant population. Some examples of Beta mutants are Beast, Angel, Wolverine, Mystique and Sabretooth.

Gamma Mutants
Gamma mutants have very powerful mutants (starting to see a pattern?) but they have flaws. Unlike the Beta mutants a Gamma mutant’s flaw is a major flaw that makes their life very hard. The best example is probably Rogue. Rogue can absorb anybody’s power, which makes her very powerful, but she can’t touch people making any kind of romantic life difficult. Also, while Alpha and Beta mutants can pass as regular looking humans, Gamma mutants cannot because they have physical defects like Blob or Marrow.

Delta Mutants
Delta Mutants are like Alpha mutants in that they don’t have any significant flaws. The only problem is that Delta mutants don’t have powers that match an Alpha mutant, or even a Beta or Gamma mutant. At least 50% of mutants are Delta mutants making them the most common type of mutant. Some examples of Delta mutants are Forge, Domino and Callisto.

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Epsilon-Delta Mutants
Epsilon-Delta Mutants are mutants that don’t always manifest their power. An Epsilon-Delta’s power will only manifest in certain circumstances and they don’t use their powers very often. Their powers my manifest due to trauma, influence from somebody or somebody else or physical contact with someone.

Epsilon Mutants
Epsilon Mutants are unfortunate mutants. Epsilon mutants pretty much have no chance of having a regular life in society due to their major flaws. If that isn’t bad enough Epsilon mutants also only have minor superhuman powers. About 20% of mutants are Epsilon Mutants. A good example of an Epsilon mutant is Beak.

Zeta mutants
Zetas are not mutants that have powers like the X-Men and other mutants. Zeta mutants are simply humans that have defects. So Zeta mutants would include humans that people would refuse to as “circus freaks”.

Omega mutants
Omega mutants are the most powerful class of mutants. Omega mutants can control matter and energy, have unlimited potential and are possibly even immortal. All Omega mutants are also Alpha mutants but not all Alpha mutants are Omega mutants. For example Jean Grey is an Alpha mutant because of her power and lack of flaws and is also an Omega mutant because of how powerful she is. Gambit on the other hand falls under Alpha mutant for the same reasons but isn’t powerful enough to be an Omega mutant.