Manila Luzon Through His Mother’s Eyes

Behind every great drag queen there is a supportive mother. Some mothers are biological while others are chosen. In the case of Manila Luzon she has a wonderful biological mother. On January 12, 2013, at Club Milano in San Jose, for the very first time, Sandra Rodriguez saw her son perform live in drag. On this night Manila Luzon sang her newest songs, Best XXXcessory and The Chop. After the show I met with Manila’s mom to get her thoughts on her life, her son, and this experience.

Abby: I know that Manila is Karl Westerberg but you have a different last name.

Sandra: Rodriguez. Sandra Rodriguez because I kept my name. My husband is Westerberg. He is Swedish-German. I am pure Filipino. So he (Manila) is half Filipino.

Abby: Yes and he likes to talk about that.

Sandra: Yes he does. That’s why his name is Manila Luzon. It surprised me. He was the one that made it up. He says Manila because my mom was born there.

Abby: You were born in Manila?

Sandra: Yes. I was born in Manila. I am a chemist.

Abby: Were you a chemist in the Philippines?

Sandra: Yes. I was a chemist but I worked for a pharmaceutical company named Squib. Then it was more lucrative in terms of a schedule to be a teacher. So I was a chemistry professor in college in the Philippines. You know Manila always parodies Imelda Marcos. When Marcos took over as a dictator it was difficult to live in a dictatorship. So I immigrated. I came to the states in 1973. I stayed in Philadelphia for about 4 years and I went to Villanova University. I had a cousin that I visited in Minnesota. While there I found a job and met my husband.

Abby: Is he also a chemist?

Sandra: No. He is a mechanical engineer. And Karl (Manila), he didn’t want any science. So he went into the Fine Arts. He is actually a very good mathematician. He is the only Fine Arts guy that took calculus.

Abby: Did you ever see any of his live shows or is this really your first time?

Sandra: This is my first live performance. I have never gone with him. He lives in New York, and now he is moving to Los Angeles. I live in Minnesota so I am never there to see him.

Abby: What did you think of Manila’s performance tonight?

Sandra: I loved it! I am very happy to see him perform and look so happy. He said, “Mom you wanted to know how I live.” And I go, “I would never be able to do this.” He was in Virginia, San Antonio and then here. I suppose that’s the life of the singer, celebrity. He wanted me to experience it so I could understand it a lot better. I could have a little compassion when I call him and he is coming from a gig and doesn’t want to talk.

Abby: Well I would think that he is making a pretty good living at it.

Sandra: Well he tries. He has not asked for any help whatsoever. He said that it was enough that we sent him to college. He has no loans. So he says, “I’m very grateful for that.” When he was younger he had like a debutants ball.

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Abby: A debutants ball?

Sandra: Yes in Minnesota. My daughter was one of the debutants and she said she wanted to do this because then Karl could be my escort. There has got to be an escort.

Abby: Your daughter was also on Drag U with Manila?

Sandra: Yes. That was her. Rachel. Well at the time they interviewed the young people that were escorts and debutants and so they asked Karl, “What do you see your future as?” This is funny. He says, “I aim to be rich so that I can put my parents in a good home.” So then I nudged the other mothers and fathers and I go,” What? I don’t mind. At least I know I am going to a good home.” I said, “How about you? Have your children promised that?” Well, that’s good! I’m cared for! That’s funny! Now that he is a celebrity I go, “I think that’s going to happen! I think he will have enough money to put me in a good home.” I mean a house, that’s OK. We have a house. I’m getting old and not knowing who is going to take care of me is the thing.

Abby: Did you watch him on RuPaul’s Drag Race?

Sandra: I did follow him when he was on the show.

Abby: What challenge did you like the best that Manila was in?

Sandra: Um. Let me see. When she was the reporter.

Abby: So you did not find his parody offensive?

Sandra: It was funny! He always likes to parody Filipinos. It doesn’t matter to me. I’m going, “I’m an American right now. Philippines can take care of themselves.”

Abby: Do you have any other favorites from the show?

Sandra: Raven! Raven is very active on television and stuff.

Abby: Oh yes, Raven is.

Sandra: His mom was the one that went to Drag U. They had a contest with Jujubee’s sister and Manila’s sister, my daughter. I was supposed to be there. I go, “I don’t know. I watch Drag U and I don’t know if I can dance and walk like that. I don’t know!” So I declined.

Abby: Raven and his mother performed a duet at a nightclub in West Hollywood together.

Sandra: Wonderful! Wonderful!

Abby: So don’t be surprised if or when Manila asks you to do one.

Sandra: Asks me to do one?

Abby: Would you do it?

Sandra: I’d just sing. Maybe. I don’t know how to do those things.

Abby: Would you lip sync on stage with Manila?

Sandra: Maybe. I’d rather sing the real song.

Abby: You would really? Wow! So you are a closet singer?

Sandra: No. I’m really not a singer. My sister is a singer. Actually for me I was more like the MC because my voice is a little low as you can see now although I do have a cold. My mother, you know that saying, “You’re the child only a mother can love?” My mother kind of loved my sister because my sister can sing very well. So I started to sing and my mom kind of looked at me and she goes, “Maybe you should stick to the announcing.” So then I was the announcer. I even won a contest where I was an announcer. I had to announce a fashion show and I won.

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Abby: I saw Manila modeling in a fashion show. Were you there?

Sandra: No. That was in New York too. I was really impressed by that because that was Donna Karan. The Ultimate! Wow! It was a big hat.

Abby: It was huge! She was wearing an entire plant on her head!

Sandra: I know! Manila is very creative. That’s why I know that he will go far because he always has all of these ideas. I mean, you see his costumes? He has a notebook full of clothes he drew from when he was a kid. He said that he wanted to be a painter. I said, “That’s not lucrative.” A chemistry mother and a mechanical engineer for a father and he doesn’t like science! So I thought he would go into fashion because he used to draw this model with all kinds of clothes. I have that notebook at home.

Abby: Were you a fan of Sahara Davenport?

Sandra: Oh Sahara, we loved him. I am just so sad. I still cannot believe that we have lost him. Karl and Sahara were together for 5 years I think. So Antoine (Sahara) had come to Minnesota for some family functions so we had accepted him.

Abby: I interviewed Sahara once and that is when he won my heart.

Sandra: Yes. Yes. He is another sweet person. He’s very, very refined. I like Sahara because he is such a, I don’t know, like a southern gentleman. Sahara’s mom is from Atlanta. And he is just that way. He’s a dancer. I love that he can dance. I really miss him. The whole family does.

Abby: It brings tears to my eyes.

Sandra: I still cannot believe it.

Abby: How’s Manila doing?

Sandra: Oh my…

Abby: Is that why he is moving to LA? To get a new start?

Sandra: I think so. I think it is just difficult you know. He is just trying it. I mean he is not saying that he is going to move completely but he has friends from Drag Race in LA. I think he just wants to see something different because it is definitely very painful.

Abby: I know how it affected me, and Sahara and I only talked a couple of times.

Sandra: Yah. It was very difficult for me when Sahara died because Karl was at the other end of the state. He was in New York. He called me and told me, and I couldn’t even hug him. It was very wrenching for me. To know how sad my son was, you know? As a mother you always want to take care of your children. He is pretty strong but you know what? I believe that he is strong because there are people who love him. His fans. He is very good to his fans and his fans really appreciate him a lot. I am really happy about that. I am really surprised about how many people love him.

Abby: Well he is a sweet guy.

Sandra: Oh he really is sweet. He is a very, very good kid. I mean today he gave up his first class seat so I could sit there. Manila is also very creative. That’s why I know that he will go far because he always has all of these ideas. I mean, you see his costumes? He has a notebook full of clothes he drew from when he was a kid. He said that he wanted to be a painter. I said, “That’s not lucrative.” A chemistry mother and a mechanical engineer for a father and he doesn’t like science! So I thought he would go into fashion because he used to draw this model with all kinds of clothes. I still have that notebook at home.

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Abby: Are you also creative in that way?

Sandra: I remember that I used to make dresses for my paper doll. That was as close as I could get.

Abby: That is too cute!

Sandra: Have you seen his Best XXXcessories video where he is wearing this teal color or actually it is Tiffany blue? He has created a hat with a Tiffany box. He asked his sister, “Could I have the box?” She said, “Sure.” So he made a hat out of these boxes so he looks like a Tiffany accessory. I remember when he was in high school he was able to ask one of the girls to go out to the prom with him with a nest on her hair.

He designed the nest?

Sandra: Yah. He got the nest and he made it with a little egg and a little bird. She wore it.

Abby: Was Karl an entertainer before he became a drag queen?

Sandra: In High School he did Godspell and Anything Goes. He was the English gentleman, Evelyn. Karl is very shy. You put lights on him when he is on stage and he gives it all. He is very shy but I think he really loves theatre. I think that being a drag queen is a part that you have to have some performance skills. So I think he is really enjoying himself because he can do that. I do believe that he is happy. That’s all that I want is for him to be happy.

Abby: Manila, what was it like to have your mother here for the first time?

Manila: I’m really happy that Crave brought her out here with me. I am really excited about that because she had never seen me perform live in drag ever. For a mother to be so supportive of her child that means a lot to me because she doesn’t have to be. Well she does have to be because look at me! How can you not be supportive of this? Hello!

Abby: Thank you Sandra and Manila for talking with me and allowing this to be shared with your fans. Thank you Crave at Club Milano for making this very memorable night for a loving mother and son.
