Male Infertility: How to Test Male Fertility

Generally the woman is checked first to see if her reproductive system is the cause of the couple’s infertility issues. Once the results come in and show that the woman is very fertile, then that means it is now time for the man to be tested. His first thought will probably be “how are they going to do that?” How to test male fertility is non-invasive and easily done at the fertility clinic or doctor’s office.

Why Some Men Experience Fertility Issues

Male infertility; much like female infertility, can be caused by numerous reasons, genetics, drug used when he was younger, an injury to the penis or testicles at some point in his life, if he experiences erectile dysfunction, and even some medications he takes now could be the root cause of male infertility.

Testing for Male Infertility

Neither the male or the female need to be tested for fertility issues until they have spent a year having sex without protections. If you are having sex at least a few times a week, unprotected, then you should be pregnant. If you aren’t, then one or both of you have fertility issues and should be tested. Ask the doctor how to test for male fertility so you will be prepared when you get there.

Some tests for male fertility include:

a sperm specimen will be collected and a trained professional will give a sperm count, assess the size, shape, and motility of the sperm

the male will also undergo a complete medical history questionnaire with the M.D.; generally a Urologist

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the urologist may also suggest a physical to be done as well

some simple blood tests will also be taken to check for possible underlying issues causing the fertility issue.

When the Results Come Back

If your doctor informs you that you are infertile and may have no chance of ever conceiving; don’t give up. You can still continue to try to conceive on your own. Many people have been told they “can’t have kids”, but the majority of those people do end up having babies naturally.

You can also consider artificial insemination from a sperm donor or even adoption. Your dreams to be a parents do not have to end just because some tests say you cannot have children.

How to Increase Sperm Count and Motility

If your sperm count is just low or the motility is slow. There are things you can do to increase sperm count. Motility, and fertility:

-Eat a healthy diet


-Check out some infertility herbs at your local health store or online

-Study up on some methods other men have used to increase their sperm count and how to test for male fertility they went through to better prepare yourself to be tested. The best advice for this is from someone you know. Reading a forum posting of men talking about increasing male fertility aren’t always the nicest of people. They may make up some ridiculous fertility method. So, don’t trust everything you read in those forums.

Learn the Importance of How to Test Male Infertility

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Male infertility counts for almost half of the cause of couples having difficulty conceiving. Now you know that how to test for male infertility is not going to be painful and will be done very quickly. If your tests say you have a low sperm count and motility; start looking into natural ways to increase your sperm count. It is much easier, less painful, and quicker to check the male for infertility than the woman.

Do whatever you can to help you and your partner to conceive. But always keep in mind that sometimes these treatments don’t work for everybody, so you should keep in mind possibly adoption or artificial insemination for your female partner.