Make Your Own iPhone or iTouch Wallpaper!

Creating a custom wallpaper for your iPhone or iPod Touch can add some personalization to a common object that we see every day. You can create fun wallpapers in under 10 minutes using a program called Microsoft Paint that is already installed on your computer. (If you’re running windows of course) In this article, I’ll show you how you can make impressive wallpapers to spice up your iPhone or iPod Touch.

Making the Wallpaper

The first thing we need to do in order to make our wallpaper is open Microsoft Paint. Microsoft Paint is a basic image editing software which we will be using to create our wallpapers. It is very simple to use, and best of all it is already installed on your computer! If you don’t know how to open Microsoft Paint, don’t worry, it’s not hard to find. All you need to do is click the Windows Start Button, and go to “All Programs”, followed by “Accessories” and then “Paint”. Now you will be presented with the Paint program. Before starting our wallpaper, we need to set the dimensions of our image so it will fit our device. To do this, go to the top of the Paint window, and select the “Image” drop down menu, followed by “Image Attributes”. In this window, make sure “Units” are set to “Pixels” and then enter the Width as 320 and the height as 480. This is the size of your iPhone or iPod screen. Once you are done, select OK, and you should see a rectangle similar to the size of your iPhone or iPod screen. Now you can design your wallpaper. You can use the paint bucket to dump on a background color, or use the paintbrush to get creative. You may also explore the Text Tool, to write something like “My iPhone”. Make it as creative and pretty as possible, because you will see this wallpaper each time you use your device.

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Saving and Transferring the Image

Once you’re done designing your wallpaper, go to “File”, then “Save”. Enter the file name as “Wallpaper” and select the file type “JPEG”. Next you need to transfer your image to your device; there are two ways of doing this. The first way is to move your wallpaper image to the folder that you sync with your device. This is the folder that contains all of the pictures already stored on your device. If you know how to do this, do it now, and then sync your device. If you don’t know how to do this, you can email yourself the image, and then save it to your device. To do this, open your email client, and compose an email to be sent to yourself. Finally, add the wallpaper image you just created to the email. There are different ways to do this for every email client, but if you don’t know how to do it you should look in the “help” section of your email client. Now send the email to yourself, then open your “Mail” app on your device. Open the email you just sent, and download the picture. Once its loaded, tap the image and select “Save Image”.

Setting the Wallpaper

The final step to creating your own wallpaper is to set the wallpaper to be the default on your device. To do this, open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPod Touch. If you are using an iPhone, simply go to the “Wallpaper” section, and select the wallpaper you just created out of your pictures folder. If your using an iPod Touch, select the “General” section, followed by the “Wallpaper” section, then set your wallpaper.

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Now every time you lock and unlock your device, or receive a call, you and your friends will see the awesome wallpaper you made!