Make Your Own Flowerpots Using Recycled Materials

If you enjoy gardening, then you already know just how expensive flowerpots can be. The cheapest way to build any garden regardless if your taste calls for flowers, herbs, shrubs, trees, fruits, or vegetables is to start with seeds. Seeds are inexpensive, and they are product more awarding plants. However, those little cheap plastic starter trays cost several dollars, making it easy to spend fifty dollars or more in just flowerpots alone. There are easier ways to start your own garden. You can buy seeds for less then two dollars a pack, and usually each pack has at least 15 seeds in it. Why shouldn’t you have a beautiful garden for just a few dollars? Actually, you can by avoiding the starter trays and flowerpots all together.

Tin Cans:

Old cans make great little flowerpots for sowing seeds, and young plants. The best part is, everyone uses tin cans. Tin cans are the cans that your pet food, canned vegetables, and canned soup come it. You will need wash the empty can first, then poke several holes in the bottom of the can for drainage. Be sure to use caution when filling the can with soil, as the edges might be sharp. Do not be alarmed if the can begins to rust, the rust actually gives the soil iron, and helps your plant. Before the can rust to bad, your plant will be large enough to transfer to another container.

Egg Cartons:

Styrofoam egg cartons make perfect starter trays for seeds. To make your own starter trays simply cut the lid off from the carton. Next using a nail, poke one hole in the bottom of each little egg holder for drainage. Last but not least, fill each little egg holder with soil, and plant your seeds. Within a few weeks to a month your plants will be large enough to transplant to your garden.

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Decorative Flowerpots:

Being that you saved so much money making your own little starter pots, you can splurge and buy a few decorative pots for display. However, you really don’t need to. You can make your own decorative flowerpots for little to nothing. There are several items lying around the house, or easily found that make wonderful decorative flowerpots to show off all your hard work. Metal or even plastic buckets, such as ice buckets work great. Basically, anything that you can put a hole in the bottom for drainage, will work as a flowerpot as long as it’s not made from paper. Second hand stores, and yard sales are great places to pick up items to make your own pots with for little to nothing.

Rubber Ducky Gift:

Flowers make great gifts for any occasion. For a child or even a baby shower consider using one of your young seedings as a gift. You can find rubber ducks that are typically used as a child’s bath toy at almost every discount and dollar store. To make this cute little pick me up gift use a sharp knife to cut a small hole in the back of the duck. Most of these bath toys have a hole in the bottom already for drainage, but if it don’t be sure to make one. Once you have the holes cut, fill the duck with soil, and plant your little plant. Plants that are less them 4 inches work best of course. I have seen larger rubber ducks on the market, which will hold a slightly larger plant, however the little ducks are cute, and cheap. This project is also great for a preschool, or kindergarten class activity. Of course an adult should pre-cut the holes, but the kids love planting their own seeds, and watching them grow.

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As you can see, there are ways around spending a small fortune on flowerpots. The most important thing is to be creative, and think outside the box. Once you get started, you can stop, and soon your garden will be flourishing.