Make Money Online Playing Games: WorldWinner

WorldWinner is a neat site that lets you play online games. You have the chance to compete against other users and take home some of the $250,000 prizes awarded every day. This article will explain further how this site works and what competitions are available.

First, you need to sign up for a free account. Then, you can test out the games that interest you by playing them free. You can play in WorldWinner competitions. Just click on the game that you’d like to play and it will install for you.

To win real money, you must upgrade your Membership. Cash competitions require a credit card or PayPal deposit to play. You will need to provide your payment information and make an initial deposit to fund your WorldWinner account and gain full access to the games and community features.

Here is a list of Competitions you can join and how they work:
Basic Membership Competitions: These are your free competitions that let you play for victory points. This can help increase your player level.

Warm-Up Competitions: There are no fees and no prizes for this competition, but it is a great way to do exactly what it says-warm-up.

Upgraded Membership Cash Competitions: You can only play in this competition if you have upgraded your membership. You must pay a cash entry fee and then you can be awarded real cash prizes if you are the winner. Also earn WorldWinner Rewards points and Victory points for participating in cash competitions.

Direct Challenges allow you to choose your opponent. If you are the challenger you get to choose the game, entry fee and how long the challenge stays open for.

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Merchandise Prize Tournaments require cash entry fees and award merchandise prizes instead of cash to the winners.

Matched Competitions: You must play this game with others who have the same FairMatching score. This competition can involve between 2 and 30 players and ends when the last player finishes the game

Lobby Competitions: There are only two games that allow this. 8-ball pool and chess. You can face off against another player at the same time. You must have the same Fair Matching Rank as your opponent.

Ladder Challenges: Win individual prizes and if you are one of the top 50 players of the day on the ladder you will receive reward point bonuses. You can compete one-to-one on this challenge.

Survival Tournaments: Pay an entry fee for the first round. Keep winning; keep advancing to the next round. Prizes are awarded after each round.

Topthis Competitions: You compete against yourself. Once you have completed a number of cash games WorldWinner will give you a Topthis score. Win when you beat your old score.

Unlimited Entry Competitions: Here you can enter the same competition as many times as you want. The prize is fixed.

Sign up today, test your skills, and win some cash and prizes.
