Mahatma Gandhi’s Ashram at Ahmedabad in India

Mahatma Gandhi is considered as the father of the nation in India. Gandhiji had established many ashrams all over the country. He was staying at these ashrams and was continuously fighting for the freedom of India from these ashrams. The most important ashram was established at Ahmedabad by him in the year 1925. This ashram is now converted in to the national monument by the government of India and is called Sabarmati Ashram. Many visitors visit this ashram, located on the famous Ashram Road, at the bank of River Sabarmati in Ahmedabad around 4 miles away from the main city of Ahmedabad. The location of this ashram is so peaceful that sitting here quietly at the ashram, gives you lot of internal peace and solace. The ashram is called Hraday kunj now since the year 1988. All the tourists visiting Ahmedabad make sure to see this most vital monument of Indian freedom.

This ashram was established by Gandhiji here at Ahmedabad as he thought that Gujaratis would be able to contribute lot in the freedom fight due to their spirit. He was staying here continuously thereafter. This ashram had remained the main focal point for the fight of freedom of India, which was fought by Mahatma Gandhiji. Many national leaders like Nehru, Sardar, Tilak, and others were regularly visiting this ashram from the year 1925 to 1942. The famous Dandi Kuch was also started by Gandhiji from this ashram only in the year 1928. Many national and local leaders had taken part in this historical march from Ahmedabad to Dandi. The distance of around 220 miles was covered in 23 days by walking and the procession had reached Dandi. The salt was taken by Gandhiji from the sea shore of Dandi, thus breaking the law of British government. There is a large museum here that has a large collection of the photos, and the other belongings of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhiji’s original seat and the desk have been maintained at this ashram. The various letters written by him during the period of stay in this ashram are also preserved nicely at this museum. The ashram and the museum are open for public from 10 am to 6 pm on all weekdays except Sundays. The items used by Gandhiji himself like specs, pencil, notebook, specs holder, and the books written by him are stored at this museum. Many of the British governor generals also have visited this ashram for the political discussions with Gandhiji.

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Gandhiji finally left this ashram in the year 1942 with a declaration that he will not return back to this ashram till India gets freedom. Subsequently, he was not able to visit this ashram after the independence due to his busy schedule in controlling the communal riots of Hindus and Muslims. Kasturba, Gandhiji’s wife was also staying here at this ashram for around 3 years from the year 1925 to 1928. There is an entry fee of Rs.10 (25 cents) for all the visitors of the ashram. The best time to visit this ashram is in the evening hours at around 5 pm so that you can see the most famous sound and light show on the life of Mahatma Gandhi. This wonderful show is shown everyday in both Hindi and English. The entry ticket to this show is Rs.40 ($1) per person. This show is really worth seeing as it covers all the minute details of the life of Mahatma Gandhi. The show is of 45 minutes duration and is held in the open garden of the ashram. It will be best to see this show in Hindi and that too in the dark so as to get the closest feelings and the environment of the Gandhiji’s life and his action plans of freedom fighting.

This ashram has special programs on the birthday and the date of death of Mahatma Gandhi. Special Bhajans are arranged here on those days starting from early morning. Off late, proper care is not being taken of this prestigious and valuable asset of the country by the government. As a result, you may see some unpleasant sights here at ashram at times. However, in spite of this, it is one of the most important monuments of India as it shows how India could get freedom and must be visited. I would recommend all my Ac friends to visit this ashram at least once, during their visit to Ahmedabad in India.