Magnetic Generators the Real Deal

In an age where green energy is reaching into most peoples pocketbooks, that being it is still very cost prohibitive to offset or totally rely on solar or wind to furnish enough energy that is used by the average homeowner. It would make sense to invest in magnetic power generators. Whether you call them magnetic generators or perpetual motion energy supply systems some say are the latest concept to revolutionize the way homeowners generate electricity. Others summarize that magnetic energy in theory is quite feasible but the reality of harnessing energy using magnetic force is still quite away from being a reality. This is the quandary today.

In research trying to locate an existing magnetic generator that is currently supplying electric power is all but impossible. Sure, you can go on the Internet and find many who claim that magnetic generators are the next big thing to hit every ones wallets. But this is where it stops short. What is really offered is a downloadable software program that details how to build your own magnetic powered generator. You may also find one at E-Bay for over $1100. Today, in the local Home Depot or Lowe’s stores where solar powered generators are often now on the market to supply campers with the latest source of power to supply campsites not one mention of the fact that magnetic powered generators are even in existence.

The question is now with the Internet full of many who claim magnetic power is the next big source for renewable, reliable, and most affordable of green energy doesn’t it seem strange that not one workable magnetic generator is even on display in stores like Home Depot that show how using magnetism can actually produce electricity? Another question arises: Could the powers that be, excuse the pun, purposely be curtailing the deployment of workable magnetic generators from ever reaching the main stream public? It has happened before, but with the development of a more fuel efficient automobile. The first real test of the power of big business and government over a new concept that would revolutionize the auto industry was back in 1950. This is when the Oil and major auto manufactures like General Motors purposely set out to destroy the Tucker Automobile. And, they succeeded. Had the Tucker been allowed to produce their automobiles the whole auto industry would have been changed. It is not so amazing when the fear of losing so much profit from existing energy suppliers to a new revolutionary concept can be sold as a workable alternative becomes a real possibility.

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A concept that could change the landscape of the industrialized world while the established energy industries can only look on in disbelief is a recipe for failure. Just like what happened to the Tucker Automobile. Any start up company that will offer consumers a much lower cost, more efficient, and more reliable green energy will be targeted by major corporate utility companies. It was back right after the first energy crisis of the mid 1970’s that scientists at MIT produced a workable home generator that would use a power source that was never divulged to the general public. This generator would be able to supply all the energy and electricity that any home would require. The sad part was that there was no follow up and the news of this invention was never allowed or purposely withheld from ever reaching a point where the public would be able to purchase an energy source that would eliminate altogether the need for big utility companies. Most engineers now summarize that the scientists at MIT did develop a workable magnetic generator. Our own government will also make development and deployment of any devise that infringes on the already known methods of supplying energy almost impossible.

This innovative approach using the concept of magnetic power to create electricity has real possibilities. While most of us that really want and need to offset their home energy costs have either climbed on the band wagon of solar or wind to augment their basic energy suppliers. The biggest drawback to either of these forms of green energy is still the cost to buy, obtain permits, and the instillation all of which are still very much cost prohibitive. Other factors to consider is the availability of how much sun or wind is needed to supply energy needed and whether or not you have the space that is required for installation.

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It’s amazing that not much is advertised or outright in the forefront of the Green Energy Movement as with Solar or Wind but magnetic generators really aren’t that new. The concept for producing energy from magnetic force has been around for quite awhile. It is just recently though that they are now beginning to come into the public’s awareness. The idea to supply homes with an endless supply of energy completely circumventing local power utility companies is just what the power companies don’t want any one to know about it especially if one can buy or build a complete generator sufficient to handle all the homes energy needs for under $200.

It is more than likely that the United States government and “Big Oil” does not want any type of ‘free energies’ becoming easy or readily available to the masses. Another perfect example is when BMW created their first hydrogen vehicle in the late 1970’s. OPEC chose to fund BMW’s hydrogen technology, in exchange, they were not allowed to sell their hydrogen vehicles to anyone, especially not to the U.S. The hypocrisy is that the ruling sultans in Saudi Arabia had been owning Hydrogen BMW’s ever since they were first developed. Once again, big oil and our own government will do whatever it takes to make sure that we stayed dependent on fossil fuels along with the current way our big utility companies have a virtual monopoly on the way energy is supplied and delivered to the public.

It is time that the public be given an opportunity to decide for themselves and be given a choice in purchasing any invention that will generate the level of energy that any home would need while producing a safer environment. A perfect analogy is happening right here in Tampa, Florida where the city is refusing to allow open bidding for contracts for waste disposal. This is just because the amount of campaign contributions from existing waste disposal firms is large enough to keep city wide officials elected. These same officials who are elected to serve the general public continually put their own political careers ahead of the public’s best interest by not allowing for open bidding. To end what some are calling a monopoly where the public has no choice as to which firms are allowed the cities business is the same as the way major utilities companies have a hold over the general public. As a result everyone energy costs continue to escalate.

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To end this blatant disregard of the public’s best interest and to increase everyone’s pocketbook it is time that the public be given all the information, the inventions, and the innovations that will allow for the reduction of energy costs, produce a much cleaner environment, while maintaining the level of reliability that is essential for this countries stability and security now and for the future.