Lyme Disease! Do You Have Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is a very serious disease with possibly becoming a lifetime threat to a person. You can be bitten by a deer tick and not even know you have been bitten until you get signs and symptoms. We need to be aware of this dreaded lifetime disease and the signs and symptoms that go with being bitten.

A most common tick-borne illness in North America and Europe. Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Deer ticks, feed on blood of animals and humans, harbor the bacteria and spread it when feeding.

Take precautions in grassy areas and heavily wooded areas. Ticks that carry Lyme disease are so small that they are hard to see. When you return from a walk, remove clothing and thoroughly inspect all skin surface areas including your scalp.

Symptoms and signs of Lyme disease vary widely because Lyme disease affects various parts of the body. Not everyone will have all of the signs and symptoms.

Lyme disease can cause:

1. Rash. Small, red bump may appear within a few days to a month, usually at the site of the tick bit—often in your groin or belt area or behind your knee.

2. Flu-like symptoms. Fever, chills, fatigue, headaches and body aches may accompany the rash.

3. Neurological problems. If the infection is not treated, you may develop bouts of severe pain in your joint and swelling several weeks to months after you’re infected. Knees are especially likely to be affected, however the pain can go from one joint to another.

4. Less common signs and symptoms. Some people may experience heart problems, irregular heartbeat several weeks after the infection, but rarely lasts more than a few days or weeks. Eye inflammation, hepatitis and severe fatigue are possible as well.

See also  Preventing and Treating Tick Bites

The report says that only a minority of deer tick bites leads to Lyme disease. However, the longer the tick remains attached to your skin, the greater your risk of getting the disease.

Personally, I would see a Doctor and get blood work done, then You can know if You are infected or not. We have great Doctors in the Medical Profession trained and skilled to handle Lyme Disease.

My Mother, it seems, was bitten before this deer tick bite! She now has to take medicine for 30 days instead of the 15 days! She is on an antibiotic called Doxycycline, 100 milligrams, 2 times a day and has experienced every side effect but one, that comes with taking this medication! My Mom had a bulls eye with a red/brown circle about the size of a saucer on the side of her leg between the knee and thigh. The center was dark and that is why it is called a bulls eye! This is a sign and symptom that you have Lyme disease.

I have posted a picture of the two deer ticks that bit me. I did not get any symptoms but now I will be making the trip to the Doctor for blood work to see if I have Lyme disease!

The deer tick is brown and often no bigger than the head of a pin, which can make them nearly impossible to spot.

Left untreated, Lyme disease can cause serious chronic joint inflammation (Lyme Arthritis), of the knee. Neurological symptoms such as facial palsy and neuropathy. Cognitive defects such as impaired memory. Heart rhythm irregularities.

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Enjoy Your summer and the outdoors but upon returning please be sure to check to see if you may have a deer tick on your body. Be safe always.
