Lug Nap Sac Travel Pillows is a Great Deal

Did you ever find yourself taking a long flight of say, 4 hours or more? It is most definitely exhausting. It may come as a bit of a treat if you’re traveling with business class accommodation knowing that airlines treat these types of passengers with ‘extra’ courtesies. However, for the majority of the economically average population taking these long flights, there can only be grasps and much anticipation to get to wherever the intended destination is.

Now, imagine traveling these long flights in an economy accommodation along with your family – especially your kids. It is but natural for kids to grow restless during flights because they become tired and bored all too easily. And you, what happens after your eyes grow tired of reading a book? What if the all too run-of-the-mill dinner had been served? What if the person seated in front of you decides to recline his seat forcing you to stop watching the movie (which, by the way, you most likely have seen on cable at home) on the ‘teeny-weeny’ screen provided by the aircraft? To appease yourself or to calm your kids, the next best move is basically, to recline the seat and sleep. The question is, how can you or your kids sleep comfortably?

Most airlines provide blankets for free while some airlines charge it for a certain amount (yes, in this day and age, almost everything comes with a prize tag even when ‘technically’ you should’ve paid for these items via expensive airfares). These blankets are not really as comfortable as the blankets you have at home. If you could, in a heartbeat, it’s sure that you or your kids would bring these cozy blankets with you. In a wishful thought, you sigh to yourself, “if only they weren’t as bulky as they are.”

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These are the very concerns that Lug Nap Sac Pillow tries to answer. The Lug Nap Sac Pillow is a 2 in 1 set of a Pillow and Blanket. For a prize of $28.00, you can choose from a variety of colors such as black, chocolate brown, crimson red, grass green, ocean teal, rose pink, and sunset orange. All you have to do is remove the blanket from the zip storage pouch and inflate the pouch to make yourself an instant pillow. So that the zip pouch actually becomes your pillow case while you stay warm and cozy with your blanket.

It is a good deal and it’s not at all bulky because it’s not like your ordinary blanket. In fact, its features also include a luxurious soft fabric pocket within the blanket where you can put your cell phone, blackberry, or IPod. The pocket can also accommodate your kid’s PSP’s or MP3’s. Wouldn’t you want to spend on a one-time amount rather than keep paying every time you travel?

As mentioned earlier, Lug Nap Sac Pillow normally costs $28.00. There are sites that sell these blankets lesser than its standard retail price but you have to dutifully check its availability. After all the lesser the price (for the same valued product), the more the buyers are. So be sure to check these sights to find some great deals on the product and on shipping:,,,