Low Calorie Meal Ideas

Whether you are trying to lose 60 pounds or five pounds, the same rule applies: you have to consume fewer calories. That does not mean you have to starve yourself in order to lose weight, you just have to choose lower calorie foods and eat often so you do not feel tempted to cheat on your diet. You do not have to cut out certain food groups either but if you want to lose weight you will have to cut back on high calorie foods like donuts, cookies, deep fried food, and candy. You can have your cake and eat it too, but then you will not be able to eat much else so is it really worth it when you are trying to watch your waistline? Listed below are some low calorie snacks and meal ideas that will help fill you up so you do not feel deprived while trying to lose weight.

Note: These are not low sodium foods so my suggestion is to count your calories first to help you lose weight, then start to reduce your sodium to flatten your belly. Most of the items listed below can be found in signature supermarkets, Whole Foods, or health food stores.

Low Calorie Meal Idea #1 – Couscous and Vegetable Veggie Wraps by Cedarlane.

These frozen burrito wraps contain no cholesterol and are low in fat in addition to being low in calories.


Calories: 220

Protein: 14 grams

Total Fat: 3 grams

Saturated Fat: 0


Organic wheat flour tortilla, couscous, non-fat mozzarella cheese, zucchini, olives, onion, tomatoes, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, tomato puree, green chilis, tamari, honey, garlic, spices.

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Low Calorie Meal Idea #2 – Applegate Farms Uncured Chicken Hot Dogs

These hot dogs contain no nitrates, preservatives or antibiotics; and they are casein and gluten free. Have two with yellow mustard (which has zero calories), and serve with low calorie soup like tomato.


Calories: 60

Total Fat: 3 grams

Saturated Fat: 1 gram

Protein: 13 grams

Low Calorie Meal Idea #3 – Applegate Farms Breakfast Sausage Chicken and Apple

These sausages contain no nitrates, gluten, or casein, and are a great way to start the day. Serve them with an egg white omelet for a power protein breakfast.

Nutrition (per 3 links)

Calories: 140

Total Fat: 8 grams

Saturated Fat: 2 grams

Protein: 14 grams

Low Calorie Meal Idea #4 – Boca Vegan Meatless Burgers

Vegan burgers might not sound as appetizing as a real hamburger, but they are surprisingly tasty especially with a slice of soy, rice or almond cheese melted on top. Use condiments like mustard or salsa instead of ketchup or mayonnaise to keep your calories low. Serve the Boca vegan burger with a salad consisting of Romaine lettuce, black olives (which contain just five calories each), tomatoes, cucumber, a carrot (one carrot contains 30 calories), and vinaigrette dressing.


Calories 100

Total Fat: 2.5 grams

Saturated Fat: 0

Protein: 13 grams

Low Calorie Meal Idea #5 – Stuffed Soft Pretzels by Kim & Scott

The spinach feta stuffed pretzel is more like a meal than a snack and it tastes great too. Since they are already cooked, the stuffed pretzels just have to be heated either in the microwave or oven.

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Calories: 240

Total Fat: 4 grams

Saturated Fat: 2 grams

Protein: 10 grams

Low Calorie Meal Idea #6 – Cottage Cheese with Blueberries

Non-fat cottage cheese is low in calories and high in protein so it’s the perfect way to start your day. Serve with blueberries which are high in antioxidants and contain only 79 calories per cup.

Nutrition (per ½ Cup of fat free cottage cheese)

Calories: 70

Protein: 13 grams

Fat: 0

Low Calorie Meal Idea #7 – Ezikel Cinnamon Raisin Bread with Peanut Butter

If you are a bread lover, Ezikel’s sprouted bread might take some getting used to, but the cinnamon raisin bread is actually pretty good, especially when paired with real peanut butter (e.g. made with only peanuts and salt).

Nutrition for Ezikel Bread

Calories (per slice): 80

Fat: 0

Protein: 3 grams

Nutrition for Peanut Butter (per Tablespoon)

Calories: 100

Total Fat: 8 grams

Saturated Fat: 1.75 grams

Protein: 4 grams

Low Calorie Meal idea #8 – Amy’s Whole Meals Veggie Loaf with Mashed Potatoes and Vegetables.

This is a vegetarian frozen dinner that might look a bit strange at first, but is actually filling and savory. It contains no dairy or eggs so it’s OK for vegans too.


Calories: 290

Protein: 9 grams

Total Fat: 8 grams

Saturated Fat: 1 gram

Losing weight does not have to be a challenge; the key is to eat often so you do not feel hungry and opt for low calorie snacks and meals. Try to keep hydrated as well by drinking lots of water with lemon. Lemon is thought to help burn calories and it helps flavor bland water. Season your food with spices like ground black pepper, ground onion, ground garlic, oregano, basil and rosemary. It’s OK to cheat on your diet once in a while but remember to get back on track after you’ve had a treat or two. Add exercise to your routine which will speed up your metabolism and quicken the weight loss process.