Low Calorie Beef Recipes

Undoubtedly you had some holiday weight gain, even the best and most disciplined of us do. Most people’s New Year’s Resolutions had something to do with being healthier, losing weight, or dieting. Cutting your calories doesn’t have to mean that your food cannot taste good or that you cannot eat out. You just have to plan your meals smart.

The first thing that you should do is contact your health care professional to discuss your healthy weight range and recommended daily calorie intake. Staying within this recommended calorie intake will help you to not gain weight. Also discuss with your health care professional how much weight you are wanting to lose and a safe daily calorie intake to achieve that goal.

If you are getting ready for a nice dinner out or a night out on the town there is no need to consume unneeded calories during breakfast or lunch. But, that doesn’t mean you can skip out on your meals. Try these healthy and low calorie recipes to help you lose the holiday weight gain and get ready for swimsuit season.

Beef and Onions

3.5 oz Ground Round
1 Small Onion
Dash of Salt, Pepper, and Garlic Powder

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Measure out your ground round and shape into a patty. Place it on a piece of aluminum foil and set it on a baking sheet. Peel a small onion and chop it into small pieces. Cover the ground round with the onions then add a dash of salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Fold the aluminum foil into a pouch and cook until done.

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This low calorie meal is easy to fix, can be prepared ahead of time and then reheated. It is great to take to work with you and is only 295 calories. You can add a side salad of romaine lettuce (1 cup) and Walden Farms Zero Calorie Dressing for only 8 calories.

Bunless Hamburger

3.5 oz Ground Chuck
Small Onion
Small Tomato
Walden Farms Zero Calorie Mayo
Romaine Lettuce
Dash of Salt and Pepper

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mold the ground chuck into a patty then place on aluminum foil and place in oven. Slice your onion and tomato. Leave the lettuce in large pieces so that you can wrap it around your hamburger patty. When the burger is done let it cool for a few minutes so it does not wilt the lettuce. Then place it on the lettuce and add the tomato and onion. Top it off with some Walden Farms Zero Calorie Mayo before enclosing it in your lettuce. You can add a tooth pick to keep the lettuce in place but be sure to not eat it!

This low calorie meal is easy to make and only 366 calories. Replacing eating out with this low calorie meal will help you shed those holiday pounds and get ready for swimsuit season.