L’Oreal Hip High Intensity Pigments Intensely Moisturizing Lipcolor, Bold 358

I am sporting a new look this fall. I dyed my blond locks black. Basically when a girl dyes her hair she needs to renovate nearly everything in her makeup case. At one time high gloss pink lips matched my skin tone and hair color…but that was when I was blond. A high gloss pink lip color just does not sit well when you have raven black hair.

This weekend I went on an all out makeup binge, and purchased products from L’Oreal. A new collection of products called HIP (high intensity pigment) is what caught my eye, and I ended up going home with 4 of their newest products.

Lipstick was in with the mix of products I ended up bringing home with me that fine Saturday afternoon. Lipstick has always been a product I could live without. Through my years I have purchased so many different lip products, and none of them really lasted all that long. Re-applying became a hassle, and it was just another routine that I could do without. Not only that I think my lips look fine the way they are…yet every now and then I get this ‘lipstick buzz’ and I end up purchasing lip color, even though I know deep down I won’t wear it much, if at all.

I bought L’Oreal Hip High Intensity Pigments Intensely Moisturizing Lipcolor in Bold 358. Seeing how my locks are darker, and my skin has its pale winter glow, I figured that reddish lips would suit me best.

Bold is a not a deep flaming red, it’s a darker red color, with a burgundy/brown like tint to it. I liked how it was not a burlesque red, nor was it an autumn orange red. In my opinion the color looked pretty perfect in the case.

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I refused to use the tester, (herpes!) and I ended up buying it not knowing exactly how it would look on me. Red is a daring color, and you have to be brave to pull it off…you also have to have the perfect skin tone and hair color for it, and I hoped that mine was ‘perfect’ for the lip color, otherwise this $10.00 investment would be a wasteful one.

At home I first applied my makeup, and then went for L’Oreal Hip High Intensity Pigments Intensely Moisturizing Lipcolor. The lipstick felt silky and applied with a few easy strokes.

The color on my lips was red, very red indeed, but not a tacky red apple red. It was okay, I liked it. It wasn’t bad at all. It went well with my hair color, and my skin color. It was definitely new though, and this new look is taking some time to get used to.


The most important thing when it comes to lipstick is how long it lasts on your lips. It sucks having to apply and apply and apply some more as the day goes on. I like to do things once, and one time only. I hate having to touch up makeup or lipstick, and I was hoping that L’Oreal Hip High Intensity Pigments Intensely Moisturizing Lipcolor wouldn’t call for 10 touch ups throughout the 8 hour work day.

Sadly I am reporting that L’Oreal Hip High Intensity Pigments Intensely Moisturizing Lipcolor only lasted for about a half hour till it had faded into an almost nothingness of color.

It turned out to be a bust for me. I knew that I would not keep up with the constant need for re-application.

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My Overall Opinion:

Although the lipstick feels nice and moisturizing on the lips, the feeling and the color fades away way faster than I was expecting it to. I had fallen in love with this new line of products from L’Oreal, but the lipstick just didn’t do it for me.

I will admit to liking the color, and I probably would of loved the lipstick if it had lasted longer.


It is a great color for those with dark hair that do not mind constant touch ups. For those who are looking for longer lasting wear I advise you to seek elsewhere.

Where To Buy:

You can pick L’Oreal Hip High Intensity Pigments Intensely Moisturizing Lipcolor up at any ULTA store or Walmart. The price will vary from $9.99 to $14.99 depending on where you live and where you purchase it.