L’Oreal HIP Cream Eyeliner – Black

I’m not much of an eyeliner girl. I usually just brush on some eye shadow. Eyeliner for some reason annoys me, and at times can even cause headaches, it’s almost as if my eyes can feel the slight weight difference, and it causes my eyes to become tired and heavy.

I am a fan of The Hills, and I have always seen Lauren Conrad (LC) using some sort of odd eye liner jug. She would dip her brush into this small jug and apply this liquid or cream eyeliner with ease. The result was gorgeous defined eyes. I wanted some, but had a gut feeling that the pot of eyeliner she used was from MAC and would cost me a small fortune.

I had searched high and low for this infamous pot of eyeliner though, but seeing how I did not know the name of it, the search was a losing battle. Last weekend though I found a review on smudge pots. A form of eyeliner that was very, very similar to Lauren Conrad’s. This weekend while browsing an ULTA, the sales associates looked at me like I had two heads when I mentioned ‘smudge pots.

After walking away and feeling stupid I came across something extremely similar to smudge pots. The product was L’Oreal HIP Cream Eyeliner. The price though was jaw dropping in ULTA.

Seeing how I was going to Walmart directly after I figured that they may have these HIP Cream Eyeliners for less. My thoughts were right. I was actually quite shocked. Who would of thought that Walmart would have this fresh and new product in stock. Usually it takes them a few months to catch up to the ‘new’.

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I choose the color black, because anything else in my opinion just looks tacky. Other colors on the counter though were a sparkly purple and some off greenish blue color that I knew would make me look like a peacock.


L’Oreal packaged the small pot of cream eyeliner inside of a plastic box. Inside of the box also came an application eyeliner brush. It is about 2 inches long and has a slanted tip. I had never used a brush shaped like this on my eyes before, so it all seemed new and interesting.

At Home:

This was the major test. I figured if it worked like crap I would return it and get my money back.

Usually when I wear eye liner I apply with a pencil. However in a matter of just a few hours the eyeliner begins to smear and run down the corners of my eyes, and God forbid I accidentally rub my eyes…raccoon!!!

I was hoping that L’Oreal HIP Cream Eyeliner would do something different. I was hoping for long lasting, smudge free eyeliner. I was also hoping that the liner was light, and didn’t weigh my lids down.

I opened the package, and took out the brush. I then twisted open the eyeliner pot and dipped the brush into the liner. It was extremely creamy. I was not expecting that, so when I dipped the brush I ended up with more eyeliner cream on it than I needed. I dabbed the excess liner off on the side of the pot, and brought the brush to my eyes.

The ease of application was astonishing. With a few strokes my eyes were lined up. I didn’t have to worry about poking myself in the eye like I had done in the past with pencils. If I missed a spot all I had to do was simply run the soft brushes tip across the area I had missed, and easily it would cover the area.

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There was also no clumps! No freaking clumps! The eyeliner went on smoothly, softly, and easily. I was seriously impressed. This first time trial pretty much sold me.

The next test, was of course, the test of time. Just how long would L’Oreal’s HIP Cream Eyeliner stay put without smudging, or running down my eyes?

I applied the eyeliner on at 8am, and let me tell you I didn’t have a single issue with it for the entire day. Now that my lady friends is something to go ga-ga over.


L’Oreal HIP Cream Eyeliner stays put, and the only issue I had with it was removal. You will need eye makeup removal to get the liner off completely. Do not think you can use just soap and water…it will hurt. So make the extra investment and get makeup removal pads. You will be glad you did.

The Best Thing About HIP?

You can lightly touch your eyes without worrying about it smudging out of place. Seriously how many gals here have accidentally touched their eyes while wearing eyeliner? Just about all of us right?

Raccoon eyes are a thing of the past. With L’Oreal Hip Cream Eyeliner you can lightly touch your lids without having to worry about looking like a beat up monster. Do not rub your eyes, but if you have a little itch you can lightly pat your eyes without the liner going all over the place.

The Promise:

L’Oreal promised long lasting color that would not loose its edge. They promised even and smooth application if you were to use L’Oreal HIP Cream Eyeliner.

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This is the first time an eyeliner promised so little, and delivered even more.


L’Oreal HIP Cream Eyeliner is by far the best eyeliner I have ever used in my life. I will continue to purchase these pots of glory for as long as L’Oreal sells them. The pot of cream eyeliner will probably last me 6 months. For a small pot they sure pack a lot of liner, so you don’t have to worry about having to purchase them monthly.


I spent $10.22 at Walmart, which is probably the best and cheapest spot to purchase the eyeliner.

L’Oreal gets two thumbs up, a kiss, and 5 out of 5 stars.