Local: Oklahoma Judiciary, Corruption Acceptable Not the Public

The Oklahoma courts rule the land and the local legal society, any intentions to present evidence of corruption is simple overlooked. The public to force to be responsible to upper courts to review as it discards measures, the system it is called is what must be followed. The Nazis, the KKK, and others were just following the system as well, one they created and maintained to keep those called undesirable in place. Once labeled information is passed around each member quietly, establishing inner communicates system to insure trouble makers are silent or worse. The judicial pressure within this accepts corruption and willing endangers the public, motivated not by law but the funds.

But if corruption was not considered a problem, why are there so many laws against such unless the judges want more funds?

The Oklahoma legal society takes orders from the highest court in Oklahoma; the intentions clear to corruption as an acceptable standard so if you can not win the case buy the judge. There is no need to be concerned about fellow legal professionals looking; none do so long as they get funding too. Corruption seen as being good for the legal profession, the state authorities supply enough reasons to continue buying judges as are needed. We must ask the price, in 1965 Corn was said to have sold his judgeship for $0.30 a day, is that still the going rate? Responsibility stopping crime is not a legal issue courts hear; they force the public to discard rights while they feed their own desires.

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Upper courts have discarded the responsibility to make legal measure into procedures for public trust; instead leave this to the public’s good will. Endorsed by both the legislative and executive branches the on-going corruption has no need to be concerned, no public representation exists. The pubic governmental support allows corruption existence knowing it forces submission or death, but the money pays so well. Holding judiciary forces responsible for their crimes is not done; individuals are held who have done no crime at all. Silence force on all to keep authority from being exposed, the public seeing such happen before in legal systems, and today we see it as desperation within Middle East.

Cultivated ideas develop a collective structure with public support; otherwise further developments are resisted. Restrained systems have been used and are still in place around the world, this exist only because corruption has the money to support it. Like those hunting criminals or terrorist following the money leads to the many places in support. But it is easy for authority to excuse not looking, the easy route means less expense or risk and attorneys get motivated to cut expenses gaining larger profits. So any evidence presentation or reasoning at corruption can be put aside, as the motivation to look must come from higher thoughts.

Labels are placed upon those seeking the truth, instructions passed around to remove support and access to information, an inner communication to develop resistance presents control over the individuals. Once in the system machinery takes over excuses given just a system, just following orders was what Nazis said. But a machine is inanimate it does not move on its own, and once labeled the legal machine sees you only one way. Troublemakers are violence, guilty, or just out of control they have to be the creditable people say so, the same people who paid so well and direct the inner communications. The pressure is keep on the labels, those in the system always finding a reason to do nothing, motivated only to allow endanger, no protections offered to the innocent.

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Quietly corruption stays within the system, authority to remove it easily made to look away as payments are made; the flow of funds provides income and acceptance. Funding authority endangers the very public power to take office, the same public whose lives are not considered valuable. Surviving the public is forced to choose which among them will live and die, the resources being limited corruption is not willing to open new means to survive. Instead the corruption takes away even more resources from the public, needed resources become more limited the public must choose desperation. Corruption increases as more funds come in, judges get paid more each time they look the other way. Legal matters settled beforehand just buy the judges, the policy for years.

Not considering corruption in their mist to be a problem the legal profession looks the other way, allowing it to gather more force and kill more often. But it takes only a simple thought to find reason to do nothing, the higher intellect will not stop there it becomes motivated to seek better answers and better procedures. Incompetence sits into such who do not think, the more they go this way the less competitive they become. The more authority is used the more it causes death and endangerment to exist, the innocent die paying for the crimes of those who sold out. Yet the Oklahoma judges do not considered this wrong, only removing those who resist freeing up resources that give more corrupt funding.

Contact: Michael Pulse [email protected] Author of: The Truth of Things

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