Little Known Facts About SPAM®

The SPAM in this article isn’t about the “unsolicited commercial advertisement distributed online” that we’re all too familiar with. ( Instead, it’s about another SPAM- the original SPAM, I might add, that celebrates its 70th Anniversary this year. (Kind of ironic, isn’t it? Since 2007 is also the Chinese Year of the Pig (Boar). You may eat this precooked, processed meat, but there are probably a lot of things you don’t know about this canned product that’s made by Hormel Foods. Read this interesting article and learn some more little known facts about SPAM you are sure to find surprising!

Its Basic Ingredients and Beginnings
In case you’ve never eaten or heard of this food product, the basic ingredients of SPAM CLASSIC are: Chopped Pork with Ham, Salt, Water, Modified Potato Starch, Sugar and Sodium Nitrite. SPAM was created in 1937 under the name “HORMEL Spiced Ham.” Another little known fact about SPAM is, it got its name when the company sponsored a contest to find a name that was unique as its taste. The winner, Kenneth Daigneau, came up with the SPAM name and won $100 for his efforts.

13 Kinds of SPAM
I’ve eaten this processed meat product, but only the Classic type. I had no idea there was any other kind. There are actually thirteen kinds: 1. SPAM CLASSIC, 2. SPAM CLASSIC 7 OZ., 3. SPAM LOW SODIUM, 4. SPAM GARLIC, 5. SPAM LITE, 6. SPAM GOLDEN HONEY GRAIL, 7. SPAM HOT & SPICY, 8. SPAM SPREAD, 9. SPAM SINGLES LITE, 10. SPAM HICKORY SMOKED, 11. SPAM WITH BACON, 12. SPAM WITH CHEESE and 13. SPAM OVEN ROASTED TURKEY. Plus, this year, SPAM SINGLES will hit the store shelves.

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The SPAM Mascot
Everyone knows that Pillsbury has its “Dough Boy”, and Burger King has its “Magical Burger King” as their mascots. Well, Hormel SPAM isn’t left out when it comes to having its company representative, although we don’t see it anymore. A little known fact about SPAM is that, in 1940, “SPAMMY® the Pig”, its mascot, made its appearance on the “George Burns and Gracie Allen Show.

The SPAM Museum
If you ever visit Austin, Minnesota, which is also known as “SPAM Town, USA”, you’ll want to drive over to 1937 SPAM Blvd. and look for the building with the bronze statue of a farmer (Mr. George Hormel, the founder) herding pigs. Once you see that, you’ll know you found the SPAM Museum. Hormel Foods opened the building in 2001. Ever since then, more than 100,000 people visit this landmark annually. There you can see a wall that’s made up of thousands of cans of SPAM, as well as many other interesting exhibits. Admission to the SPAM Museum is free.

SPAM Helped Win the War
Besides being tasty, SPAM has two other advantages over some other foods: 1. It’s precooked and can be eaten straight from the can, if you desire, and 2. It’s always been economical. A little known fact about SPAM is that, during World War II, the US Government purchased more than half of the SPAM Hormel made to help feed the troops. But, the story doesn’t end there. Years later, in 1989 alone, the US Armed Forces purchased nearly 3.5 million pounds of SPAM.

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Americans Love SPAM
SPAM is still as popular as ever. In 2002, Hormel Foods produced their 6 billionth can of the processed meat. A little known fact about SPAM is, in the United States alone, nearly four cans of SPAM are eaten every second. Believe-it-or-not, the world record for eating SPAM is held by Richard LeFevre. He devoured six pounds of it- or, eight- 12 ounce cans- in 12 minutes.

Trademark Infringement
And finally, Hormel Foods doesn’t have a problem with unsolicited commercial advertisements on the Internet being referred to as “spam.” What the company does take exception to, is people using images of cans of SPAM to represent “spamming.”
