Little Known Facts About Montana

There is more to Montana than the Rockie Mountains, grizzly bears and wide open spaces. Here are some little known facts about Montana, which is also known as the ‘Big Sky State’ or ‘Treasure State’ due to the abundance of gold, silver, and other minerals found in Montana.

Little known facts about Montana: Statehood

Montana became the 41st state of the United States of America, achieving official statehood in the year 1889.

Little known facts about Montana: Size

Despite having less than 1 million residents in Montana in the 2000 census, the state covers a vast area of 147,046 sq mi (380,848 sq km). This makes Montana the 48th least densely populated state. Montana is the 4th largest US state after Alaska, Texas and closely followed by California.

Little known facts about Montana: Treasure state

Settlement quickly increased after the discovery of gold in Bannack, Montana in 1862, an area that is now preserved as a state park. This lends itself to Montana’s well known nickname, the “Treasure State”. In 1863, a strike at Alder Gulch unearthed approximately $35 million worth of gold and It did not stop there. Gold fever had already swept across the land to many people, who decided to move to Montana in the 1860’s in the hope of making their fortune. Within a decade however, silver had replaced gold as Montana’s main source of wealth.

Little known facts about Montana: 56 counties in total

There are 56 counties in total in Montana. These include Lincoln, Flathead, Sanders, Missoula, Pondera, Big Horn, Dawson, Chouteau, Garfield, Sheridan, Beaverhead and the oddly named Petroleum county, amongst others.

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Little known facts about Montana: 15 wilderness areas where cars and bikes are prohibited

Montana contains 15 wilderness areas that have been protected from commercial development. Cars and bikes are not allowed in these areas. If you want to get around these wilderness areas, you will have to go horse back riding through the trails. The wilderness areas include Absaroka-Beartooth, Anaconda-Pinter, Bob Marshall, Cabinet Mountains, Gates of the Mountains, Great Bear, Lee Metcalf, Medicine Lake, Mission Mountains, Rattlesnake, Red Rock Lakes, Scapegoat, Selway-Bitterroot, UL Bend and finally, Welcome Creek.

Little known facts about Montana: Lakes in Glacier National Park

Many people have heard of Glacier National Park that is located in north west Montana. But many people may not be aware of the fact that Glacier National Park has 250 lakes within its boundaries.

Little known facts about Montana: Outnumbered Montanans!

While many Montanans are proud of their sparse landscape and tiny population, many visitors may not be aware that the elk, deer and antelope population actually outnumber the human population in this vast state. So do not be surprised if you see more wildlife than people in Montana!

Little known facts about Montana: British Crown Jewels

The stunning Yogo Sapphire is the only North American gem that was included in the British Crown Jewels.

Montana is an interesting state to go visit if you have not been there before. You will be touched by its breathtaking beauty, sparsity and wonderful assortment of lakes, national parks and wildlife.

Sources:, Montana., Things to see & do.