List of the Friendliest Cat Breeds

Many people believe that Cats are not friendly or affectionate companions, and I don’t mind saying that I was once one of those people. However, I have changed due to a wonderful breed of cat called the Ragdoll. Often people enjoy the ease of owning a cat as they are very independent animals who don’t require a lot of fuss; however people often miss the companionship. While there are many cats out there who are aloof and prefer keeping to themselves there are also many cats out there that are friendly and affectionate. Here are the Top Six.

Snowshoe – The Snowshoe Breed originated from the Siamese and American Shorthair. They are very people-oriented and affectionate cats who dislike being left on their own. They often can become talkers but their meow is quite soft and non-intrusive. They are a medium-sized cat with beautiful blue eyes and typically have a white V on the face. Snowshoes are indoor cats that will delight and amuse the people around them with their antics. In general they are very sweet cats that make great companions, but usually devote themselves entirely to one person while still remaining friendly to others.

Abyssinian – The Abyssinian Breed is though to have descended from an Egyptian Cat. They have a tawny coloured coat with green or gold eyes. It is a very energetic and playful breed of cat while possessing a friendly disposition. They are not known to be lap cats due to their curious nature. They require regular attention to keep them happy, and are generally independent.

Maine Coon- The Maine Coon Cat is known to be one of the largest of the domesticated cat breeds, and can sometimes reach up to 25 pounds in weight. They come in a variety of beautiful colours with medium to long fur. They are extremely intelligent and trainable and often learn to use their front paws to open doors, turn on facets, and pick up objects. They are not normally known to be lap cats although each cat is an individual. They are quite playful in nature and enjoy spending time with their owners.

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Ragdoll -The Ragdoll Breed is often referred to as the Dog of Cats due to their bonding nature and the true companionship they provide. More than this is the fact that they will run to meet you at the door when you return home, and will follow you around from room-to-room. They love to be with their humans and are truly devoted companions. The Ragdoll is a sweet, friendly, and affectionate cat, who is relatively large in size, sometimes reaching up to 30 pounds. They have brilliant blue eyes, and come in a variety of colours although most often the Seal point or mitted. They are strictly indoor cats as their friendly nature causes them to wander up to anything with no sense of danger. They are very playful and energetic cats who will amuse you for hours , such as their natural habit to lie on their backs with their feet sticking straight up in the air.

Tonkinese – The Tonkinese Breed is a friendly and intelligent cat who delights in human companionship. They come in a variety of attractive colours. This breed loves sleeping on your lap or anywhere on you for that matter. They are affectionate and loving cats that love to play, and will often greet you at the door upon your return. They are known to be stubborn from time-to-time so training needs to be firm. They are true and devoted companions that will become a member of your family in no time at all.

Himalayan Persian – The Himalayan Persian is a long haired breed of cat that is seen in a variety of brilliant colours and patterns. They are playful cats, but much prefer spending their time with people. They enjoy snuggling on your lap and are affectionate and loving cats. They are devoted companions, but also require regular grooming due to their thick and beautiful fur.

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