Lipofuze: Is it a Scam?

The big question many are asking is, is Lipofuze a scam? After all, most diet pills that claim that they can help you lose substantial amounts of weight in short periods of time are. Most diet pills that claim you can lose 7 pounds in 7 days are either scams or they are dangerous to your health. But Lipofuze claims that you can lose up to “10 pounds in 7 days effortlessly.” After all, apparently cutting calories and exercising more is not the answer. I always thought it was, and this sounds dangerously close to a claim that you can do it without diet and exercise.

But if you consider the facts, they have a point. Many dieters eat less, exercise more, and at some point, they plateau and stop losing weight all together, sometimes even gaining weigh if they don’t amp up their routine on a regular basis. But you can only increase your workout so much. You have to eat a certain basic amount of calories to stay alive. But as you steadily consume a smaller number of calories, your body gets used to it. Your body adjusts to that change, learning to burn a smaller number of calories. So instead of burning the 1500 calories you were consuming before, your body has now learned to adjust itself and only burn 1200.

Lipofuze is a product that claims to get your body going again, increasing fat burning potential, increasing metabolism, increasing lean muscle mass, suppressing appetite, everything to help you to reach the highest planes of your success. They use several patented weight loss ingredients, which means that scientists first found effective weight loss ingredients such as green tea or raspberry ketones. Then they took the most effective components(catechins in green tea and raspberry ketones in raspberries), isolating them and strengthening them to provide even more potent weight loss results. By completing this process or research and development, they were then able to patent this product and maintain the rights to its use and sale. They use 10 of these patented ingredients and then several other proven, but not yet patented weight loss ingredients.

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The reality is that if you want to lose weight and keep it off in the future, you have to use diet and exercise. Unfortunately, there is really no way to get around it. if you are an Olympic Athlete, you can get out of limiting your caloric intake. But those athletes have extremely structured and specified diets to fit their lifestyles, and when training, many basically exercise 8-10 hours every day. Lipofuze is a powerful formula that can certainly make it easier for you to lose weight, that goes witihout saying. But you cannot depend on diet pills to keep you healthy for the duration of your lifespan. At some point, you have to take responsibility, and really powerful and reputable diet pills like Lipofuze are mainly meant to compliment that transition while accelerating the benefits associated with that change in lifestyle