Life in Germany After The Holocaust

Most of world identifies Germany with the Nazi regime and their persecution of the Jews in the Holocaust. Many Jews were killed, tortured or relocated as slaves, long before Hitler was born. Germans were taught that Jews were weak and inferior, a “Jewish Poison” (Gustavo, P., 2005). The Aryan Nation was born in the late 1800’s and by the early 1900’s the movement has spread throughout Germany gaining many new recruits. Before long, the Aryan movement had gained popularity in other countries around Germany.

However, there is more to the country than the racism and discrimination that lead to WWI and WWII. After the war, the Nazi party officials faced war crimes and the country began re-building the country. Unfortunately, political negotiations between the western and eastern allies failed. So, they built a solid concrete wall and used barbed wires, in order to separate the city of Berlin in 1961 (Burkhard, K., 2007). West Germany was governed by the western allies “U.S. and East Germany was controlled by the U.S.S.R. Politic continued to play a role in the economy and the people once again suffered. But in 1990, the east and the west became one society. Many people saw family members and friends; for the first time in years. Sadly, some learned of their loved ones death and where they were laid to rest.

After years of oppression, Germany was free to begin growing once again. The unified government and it people celebrated their freedom. They countries economics grew, as businesses and families began settling and creating a new face to Germany. Museums and memorials were erected to remember the “Holocaust” and its many helpless victims. Suddenly, life was different for everyone, who remained in Germany. They were free to choose their education, travel, arts, music, build communities, and businesses. The economy grew and people began to heal from the oppression. Germany’s future was being shaped by those who lived there, instead of outside governments.

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Once again, Germany has become a strong nation under its new leadership. Now, the country has Christians, Jews, Aryans, and many other cultures that began spreading their roots. Also, many different races can be found thriving all over Germany’s vast lands. The different ethnic groups, began growing and spreading their own culture. Before long, arts and music began making it presence known in the different communities. Each racial society and ethnic groups brought their own culture to the forefront and worshiping their own religious beliefs. The students of other countries began studying Germany and ended up moving there.

Some students eventually found a place in the society and tried to leave their own legacy. Politics grew and Germany is now a member of the United Nations and their peace-keeping efforts. Today, you will not see evidence of Hitler’s Terror, unless you visit the several memorials that were built to remember those who died. Germany is a bustling country full of people, who want to make a difference in their countries culture. Germans are full of life and are proud of their arts, music, schools, and churches. Upon visiting Germany you will find people, who may look like you and believe the way you do. You will see that the nightlife is full of entertainment of different cultures that everyone is partaking in. Many families are taking part in celebrations for the citizens of Germany. The many schools are teaching an array of subjects and degrees to students, who are willing to learn.

No one is looking to the past; however, they do remember the terror that formed their country for decades. Many tourists are experiencing a culture that is full of many cultures and races that are mixing together. There are still many racist, which still exist in their country. But, they are dealt with swiftly and the government is determined to stop this agenda from growing. Germany is full of green hills, Autobahn, hospitals, clubs, organizations, and many other places where cultures collide. Yet, they exist in harmony and have learned to tolerate the beliefs of other races. The many restaurants are even cooking foods from other cultures and countries. Every citizen of Germany is proud of the way their country has grown, over the last few decades.

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However, they still live with memories of the terror and oppression that defined their life for so many decades. Many government officials are trying to help the citizens, in creating a society worth living in. They are not going to allow anyone, to take the taste of freedom away from them. At any cost, they will continue to grow and fight for their right to exist in peace. During my visit, I met so many people, who were just like me and some were different. However, I experienced many cultures and I learned about many races, which had different religious beliefs. I visited many memorials and museums that horrified me, but I felt a sense of relief. Since, I knew that this type of oppression doesn’t exist anymore. The country of Germany had changed, yet it wear it scars on its sleeves, for all to see.

So, on your next visit to Germany, discover the diverse cultures of communities. The people are different, yet they desire the same goals. Experience the nightlife and all it has to offer you and your companion. Visit the many schools and churches that exist, while talking to the people who attend them. Read the many newspapers and magazines for the diversity that exists. Also, talk to the many business owners and the children in the communities about their lives. Before you leave, visit the many museums and memorials that remember the oppression that existed. The communities will never forget, but the will strive to bring to a country that was ruled by hate. No one memorial or museum could ever capture the spirit that destroyed cultures and races, just for being different. However, we can remember those who died in such oppression and cruelty, so Germany can be ultimately free.

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Burkhard, K. (2007) The Berlin Wall

Retrieved on January 30, 2007

Gustavo, P.(2005) Judeophobia – History and analysis of Antisemitism, Jew-Hate and anti-“Zionism” Ch.10

Retrieved on January 29, 2007