Liberal Morality Vs. Conservative Morality

Some see the world in absolutes – black and white, good vs. evil, absolutely sure of their moral superiority. Yet those same people are often led by some of the most immoral among us. The so-called “Moral Majority” proved to be neither moral nor in the majority. What groups like that did show, however, is how much power, money, and influence can be found when manipulating the masses using their views of morality to appeal to base level emotions. This article looks at the differences within the context of contemporary America.

Liberals have been accused of lacking in moral composure, steering away from moral absolutes. That’s a complete misunderstanding of what it means to be “moral” to the liberal mind. Any sane person knows there have to be moral absolutes. No liberal thinks murder is a good idea, nor thievery or or assault, rape or abuse. But liberals also realize that absolutes don’t always apply. It’s in the less obvious moral areas that stark differences appear. The reasons behind the morality the individual adheres to also lends understanding.

Most (not all) conservatives claim to derive their morality primarily from their religious background. Of course there are exceptions. But the vast majority of conservatives will tell you the basis of morality and law is God. This doesn’t just apply to Christian conservatives, but those whose faith drives their politics. Islamic fundamentalists, Hindu, Jew, Christian – all derive their base morals from their religious background. Of course, so do many liberals. The difference comes in that they don’t ascribe the literal tenants of their faith to all of their politics.

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Beyond that is the basic premise they hold for humanity. Conservative morality holds that humanity is basically evil and needs reigned in. They see the need for police and prisons, not drug treatment. The rift has been described as authority/purity vs. care/fairness. Most conservatives oppose homosexual rights because they believe the act itself to be a sin. Liberals don’t care about personal choices like that, and want all persons treated the same. Alot of the conservatives who oppose the HPV vaccine think giving it to girls will encourage sex, while liberals want to see less cervical cancer. Conservatives think sex education should be abstinence (don’t do evil) while liberals want a more realistic approach.

Fiscally conservatives think that wealth is best in the hands of a few at the top, imagining that enough will “trickle down” to satiate the masses. Liberals see the benefit of having some wealth look after the less fortunate. Conservatives will tell you private health care that benefits the wealthy (who can afford all it can offer) is the best way to go. Liberals think (like the rest of the civilized world) that health care should be a basic right of an advanced society.

On the international scene, conservatives will always take the “might is right” stance, favoring nationalism and bravado over a more realistic world view. Today’s conservatives will much rather bomb Iran than negotiate with Iran, no matter what the result of either course might be. It doesn’t matter whether or not negotiation will work. It is seen as weak and therefore not an option. Liberals know the folly of thinking we can run roughshod over the interests of the rest of the world forever and there not be consequences.

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Environmentally, conservatives think the best choice is to dominate the environment. The earth and all it holds is to be used for their benefit, not as something we are merely a part of. Most liberals realize we have the ability to handle our environment to either our benefit or detriment. That’s what’s behind the rift surrounding global warming. No legitimate science denies that we are changing our environment through pollution. Still, many conservatives don’t consider it a possibility – regardless of the evidence.

Ultimately, today’s conservative movement is doomed. The question is how much damage will it be allowed to do before enough Americans realize they are voting against their own self-interests when they respond to the politics of fear and division. Us liberals don’t think we have all the answers. The difference between us and the conservatives is that we are willing to look for answers, not to fall back on the same old dogma.