Lethargy in Older Dogs

Most dogs slow down as they age. They sleep more, get up more slowly, don’t last as long on walks. This is a natural process of aging, but it causes concern for many dog owners. How do you tell if Fido’s recent lethargy is just a symptom of old age, or a real medical concern? Since “lethargy” is a symptom of many different doggie diseases, it must be taken in context with other signs. The following is a list of common elderly ailments. If your dog is lethargic and also shows these problems, seek vet care immediately.

Anemia happens when the blood cannot transport oxygen effectively. It can cause dogs to feel tired and fatigue easily. If your dog has anemia, that general malaise will be accompanied by white gums and inner eyelids. The lack of color in these areas will give you a clue that your dog’s lack of energy could be a health issue. Anemia its self can be a symptom of other health issues, making lethargy and anemia together a good clue that something besides old age is at play. Anemia is generally not an emergency, but it is enough of a concern that you should visit your vet.

Arthritis Pain
So your dog isn’t as excited about getting into the car or playing ball? Could be old age, or it could be joint pain due to arthritis. How can you tell? Just watch your dog get up. Our newfie turned into a big couch potato at about seven years of age, but didn’t start having joint problems until he turned ten. My mom had to lock him out of the kitchen, because if he laid down on the tile floor, he had problems getting back up. Other symptoms of joint pain include limb weakness or shaking, and fear of being touched in certain areas. My grandmother’s cocker spaniel got incredibly snappy if our hands wandered down to his hips while petting him. A vet visit may be in order if your dog is having trouble getting outside to eliminate. Pain meds or other remedies may be prescribed to help your dog’s quality of life.

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Eyesight and Hearing
When the senses start to go, many dogs choose to stay in one place rather than risk running into furniture. If your dog stops moving around the house, it could be because he can’t see or hear very well. Cataracts are sometimes easy to spot, as the pupil of the eye gets cloudy. But there are other ways to tell if hearing or vision problems are keeping your pet from moving freely around the home. It might start with your dog running into furniture or missing the door on the way out to pee. Or you have to get progressively louder and louder to get your dog to respond to its name. A vet can preform vision and hearing tests to diagnose these problems for sure, but there may not be much in the way of treatment. You can help by making your dog’s routine the same everyday, and limiting their movements to certain rooms in the house so they can memorize the furniture layout.

Organ Failure
Old dogs have old organs. And when one organ starts to fail, the whole body cannot work as efficiently and you may start to notice lethargy. A dog with failing organs will also show tell-tale symptoms. If you suspect organ failure, visit the vet as soon as possible. Heart failure will cause fluid buildup in the body, which manifests in unproductive coughing, usually at night, as fluid collects around the heart and lungs. In the later stages, a swollen abdomen can also indicate buildup of fluid due to heart failure.

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Besides the heart, kidneys are the other organs that start to fail in older dogs. Lethargy happens when the blood cannot be cleaned properly by the kidneys. If the lack of energy in your dog is accompanied by a higher than usual water intake and frequent urination, these are indicators of kidney failure. When our German Shepard had to be let out four times in one night, we knew her recent lack of energy was due to something more than old age.

The longer our furry friends live, the more prone they are to cancers. The most obvious sign of cancer is a lump somewhere on the body, but many cancers are internal. Since many cancers have a slow onset, the first sign may be an overall lack of energy and spunk. However, most cancers will also show several other symptoms that accompany that lethargy. If your dog also has sores or wounds that won’t heal, and is losing weight without a change in diet or appetite, take them to the vet. Cancer treatments range from surgery to radiation therapy, depending on the type of cancer and the owner’s finances.

Sources: Natural Dog Health Remedies, Common Old Dog Health Problems, http://www.natural-dog-health-remedies.com/old-dog-health-problems.html