Lesson Plan: 2nd Grade: “I Am” Poem


Student’s NameAllison H.Date11/29/06

Class Level2nd gradeTopic/Unit Poetry/Creative Writing

SubjectLanguage ArtsLength of Time40 – 45 min

Intelligences Addressed Verbal/Linguistic, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal

Core Standards:

3.2.A Writing as a Process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, postwriting)

3.2.B Writing as a Final Product (resulting in a formal product or publication)

3.2.D Writing Forms, Audiences, and Purposes (exploring a variety of forms)

3.3.D Oral Presentation

Special Needs: Tourette syndrome

Objective: Students will be able to construct an “I Am” poem which will enable students to get to know one another and learn more about themselves through poetry.

Students will create an “I Am” poem using previously acquired knowledge regarding poetry and writing techniques. Students will then present poems to the class and publish them by displaying them on the classroom bulletin board.

Anticipatory Set: Students will have already acquired knowledge regarding poetry construction and proper writing techniques to produce a final product. Explain that today they are going to create a poem that tells about themselves so that they can share more about themselves to others and learn more about their classmates.

Sequenced Instructional Strategies:

  1. Handout an example of an “I Am” poem – should be about the teacher.
  2. Explain that they are going to fill in the information in the parenthesis and not the words preceding it.
  3. Go through the example poem paying attention to the parts that have been filled in the parenthesis.
  4. Explain that the word that goes in the last parenthesis is to be the same as the last parenthesis.
  5. Hand out blank “I Am” poem which will have the words preceding the parenthesis, then the parenthesis with a blank line and what is to be written in the parenthesis underneath the line.
  6. Have students begin to fill in the parenthesis.
  7. Once students fill in the blanks, have students go through the writing process using their writing pouches until they reach the publishing stage.
  8. Students may illustrate and publish their poetry once complete.
  9. Have students share their poems with the class.
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Closure: Ask the students what they have learned about themselves and about each other. Was it interesting to learn more about themselves and others through poetry? Is this a good way to tell people about yourself? Did you enjoy sharing your poem?

Evaluation: Allow students one week to create a “____is a” poem where the “___” can be their parent, their brother or sister, a friend or a person from a story that they enjoy. They will present the poem on the day that it is due.

Materials/supplies/resource: “I Am” example, blank “I Am” poem handout, pencils, paper, crayons, writing pouches.

Reflective Evaluation: Did students understand the procedure to create an “I Am” poem? Were students comfortable sharing their poem to the class? Was the lesson completed in one session?

Accommodations: Students should already understand that their classmate has tics so that when they occur, they are not overly concerned with them. Students must be patient while their classmate is presenting their poem and a zero tolerance rule, as always, will be in effect for any student making fun of or calling attention to the student.