Leftover Pot Roast Ideas

Every now and then you make a big pot roast. What do you do with the leftovers? If you aren’t too creative, chances are you stick the leftover in the refrigerator and have reheated pot roast a couple of days latter. But there are more interesting and creative ways to use your leftover pot roast. You don’t have to eat it the same way the second time, if you follow these tips.

Leftover Pot Roast Tip #1: Cold Roast Beef Sandwiches

Refrigerate your pot roast separate from the gravy and the gravy separate from the vegetables. Yes, it takes a few more containers, but it’s worth it. When your pot roast is chilled, take it from the refrigerator. Select a roast beef slicing knife and cut your pot roast into sandwich-thick slices. You can make cold sandwiches with your slices, but if you want to be more original, save your slices for the tips that follow.

Leftover Pot Roast Tip #2: Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches

Now that you have sliced roast beef, you have the perfect makings for a hot roast beef sandwich. First you need to toast the bread that you plan to use for your sandwich. It keeps it from becoming soggy, and it adds flavor to your sandwich. Warm your roast beef in any way your prefer. On top of the toasted bread, add a few slices of warm roast beef, and top with heated gravy. This is an open-faced hot roast beef sandwich that requires a fork and maybe a knife to eat.

Leftover Pot Roast Tip #3: Roast Beef Stroganoff

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Casseroles are always winners. With your sliced roast beef you have the perfect makings of a stroganoff. All you need to do is cut the slices down to bite-sized pieces, and add them to your favorite beef stroganoff recipe. You can also use some of your gravy in the stroganoff sauce, and you can reheat the vegetables for a side. The vegetables would probably overcook if you add them to your casserole, but it depends on how firm you cooked them with the pot roast.

Leftover Pot Roast Tip #4: Beef Stew

Beef stew is hearty and it’s a comfort food. Consider using your gravy as a thickener in your homemade beef stew. Use the potatoes, carrots, celery, and onion from your pot roast as vegetables for your stew. After you heat your gravy, decide if you need more liquid or thickener. Add bite-sized pieces of leftover roast beef. Your cooked vegetables go in last. You don’t want to stir them around too much. They are not that firm and could break apart. If you want more flavor in your stew consider adding a packet of dry onion soup mix or pot roast mix to the heated gravy.

Leftover Pot Roast Tip #5: Think Outside the Beef

Who says pot roast has to be beef? You can go for a smoked picnic or leg of lamb. You might even consider a game meat, such as deer or elk. Any of the tips found here work for other cuts of meat. The meat choice is really up to you.

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These tips are great ways to use left over pot roast–instead of pot roast on the table again. You can build yourself a delicious roast beef sandwich or turn that roast beef sandwich into a delectable hot roast beef sandwich. Finally, you can make a fantastic beef stroganoff, or you can use your leftover pot roast to a make a hearty stew.