Lebron James/Gisele Bundchen Vogue Cover Controversy

It was a few days ago that I started seeing ads on the controversy of the Vogue cover with LeBron James and Gisele Bundchen, but never heard what the issue was. I studied the picture on the cover of Vogue every time it came on TV and no matter how hard I tried and how hard I looked, I could not for the life of me figure out what was so controversial that it deserved this much media attention.

Jump to today when I finally heard what the controversy is all about on the news. Apparently there is reference that Mr. James looks like King Kong with Gisele being the “Fay Wray” of the picture. Give me a break! It seems some people are making comments that it conjures up ideas of an angry black man. Why? He doesn’t look angry to me. It’s a pose, that’s it. For all we know maybe Gisele pinched him and they caught him shrieking in pain. Likely? Probably not. Possible? Of course.

In an article from the Associated Press, magazine analyst Samir Husni said, “So when you have a cover that reminds people of King Kong and brings those stereotypes to the front, black man wanting white woman, it’s not innocent.” Just who do you think is setting those stereotypes? In this day and age I cannot comprehend the ignorance of so many people. It is each ethnic group that sets these stereotypes by constantly complaining about what is and is not fair. In this same article it mentions a statement made by Jemele Hill on ESPN.com that white athletes are photographed smiling while black athletes are shown with a more beastly vibe. Excuse me? If i’m looking at a photo of someone like LeBron James I wouldn’t expect or want to see him sitting there with his hands folded in his lap holding a bouquet of flowers. Who’d want to watch that guy play anything? Whether it’s basketball, football or let’s face it, even baseball, these guys should be big and mean whatever race they are. White, black or blue, we should be seeing the athletes for what they accomplish not what they look like and certainly not how some people perceive a photograph. Does this mean the picture would not have been controversial had he been standing there with Tyra Banks instead?

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If this all seems reasonable to you, then I would like to start my complaints about the picture of a shirtless Jared Rome hoisting a model over his shoulders in his photo with Vogue. I’m now offended because he looks like a caveman overpowering his mate. As a woman I am disgusted by this portrayal that women are a weaker sex. Now, did I just peak the interest of other women out there? If I did, then you are part of the problem. That kind of thinking is what keeps the ignorance alive. We all need to change our perspective and stop reading so much into these kinds of photographs. We should be looking at them as they were meant to be seen, fun and creative. I think we have a lot more serious issues that should take up air time on the news rather than stupidity like this.