Learn Spanish Online – 10 Free YouTube and Google Videos

If you want to learn Spanish online for free check out this useful collection of YouTube videos. These lessons for the beginner cover everything from accents and adjectives and the alphabet to basic vocabulary, expressing needs, and more.

Accent Rules
YouTube Video: Accent Rules
Length: One minute and 40 seconds

This short video explains accent rules in the Spanish language. It is short and to the point is great for anyone learning the language.

Alphabet and Pronunciation Lesson
Google: Letters and Sounds
Length: Seven minutes and 39 seconds

Basic Spanish Vocabulary Series
YouTube Video: The Family
Length: Three minutes and 13 seconds

This is one first lessons anyone learning a new language encounters: every day words about familial relations. It is more like a slide show from a basic textbook with audio, but this will work for beginners.

Jump-Start your Spanish
YouTube Video: Expressing Needs, Wants and More
Length: Eight minutes and 51 seconds

This video is for beginners and teaches basic phrases related to needs, wants, and possibilities.

Learn Spanish Adjectives
YouTube Video: Adjectives, Pronouns
Length: Six minutes and 21 seconds

This is a straightforward video lesson with bold black and white text and clear audio. Part vocabulary, part grammar, this free language lesson will be useful to anyone with a bit of basic Spanish vocabulary under their belt.

Learn Spanish Video Lesson

YouTube Video: Spanish Lesson in Spanish
Length: Six minutes and three seconds

This video is better for refreshing your language skills. The entire video is Spanish, and may be difficult for the very beginning trying to learn the language. The visual aids help you pick out the words being taught, but the non-Spanish speaker may be confused.

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Los Numeros
YouTube Video: Learn Numbers
Length: Two minutes and 24 seconds.

Easy number learning with pronunciation and even some math.

Numbers and Counting
Google: Numbers and Counting
Length: Four minutes and 57 seconds.

If you want to learn numbers and counting, from a real person, who pronounces each number, and teaches the lesson in English, you need to watch this free video.

Subject Pronouns
Google: Subject Pronouns
Length: Five minutes and 31 seconds

Before you proceed to conjugating verbs, get a good background on subject pronouns. This is a well-made teaching video from Professor Jason.

Verb Conjugations
Google: Present Tense
Length: Five minutes and 16 seconds

Watching this video is like having a one-on-one with a Spanish professor. Professor Jason produces professional and easy-to-understand videos for learning present tense of verbs. This is for beginners to intermediate learners. Watch his Subject Pronouns video first.

Learn vowels, consonants and how to pronounce each one, from one of the best online Spanish teachers, Professor Jason.