LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD: A Must Have for All Toddlers

Are you the parent of a toddler? If you are, you may be starting to prepare your child for preschool or kindergarten. Part of that preparation may include teaching your child how to read. However, before a child can learn how to read, it is advised that they know the sounds that each of the letters make. Now, this may seem like an easy task, but it is one that can get long, complicated, and boring, especially in the eyes of a three year old, but the good news is that there is help. That help can come from the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD.

If you are a parent, there is already a good chance that you have heard of LeapFrog brand toys before. In fact, there is a good chance that you already own some LeapFrog toys. As a parent who is preparing my daughter for preschool, LeapFrog toys are my favorite, as they promote fun and education all at the same time. That is why as soon as I came across the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD, I knew that it was something that I had to buy and am I ever glad that I did.

Before buying the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD, I had been working on the letter sounds with my daughter for about a month. She was understanding her letters and their sounds, but apparently I wasn’t fun enough for her, as she would easily get bored and want to move on to something new. The moment the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD started playing, I knew that it would be something that would keep her interest and it definitely did and actually still does to this day.

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As you can most likely gather from the DVD title, the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD teaches children what all of the letters say. This is done by taking you and your child on a visit to the “Letter Factory.” At the “Letter Factory,” all of the letters learn what their sounds are in unique, yet exciting ways. For instance, in the training room for the A’s, a monster, but a nice one of course, runs into the room and all of the A’s scream. The training room for the T’s involves tap dancing, and so forth.

The LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD is nice because it teaches children what all of the letters say in fun and exciting ways; ways that they are sure to remember. After watching one viewing of this DVD with my daughter, she completely remembered what all of the letters said! I do recommend that the first time your child watches the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD that you watch it together. We paused the DVD after each letter and sound was introduced, to practice them. Personally, I think that this approach made it easier for my daughter to retain the information shown in the video.

If you are interested helping your toddler learn their letters, as well as the sound that each makes, you may want to look into the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD. The video is also available in VHS format. With being available for around ten dollars at most retailers, both on and offline, the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD is a small investment that is, literally, worth every penny.

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