Lazy Town: Children’s Television on Nick Jr Shows Children How to Live a Healthy Life

Lazy Town is a children’s television show that can be seen on the Nickelodeon network during the Nick Jr. time frame. It is a half hour show based upon a stage show from Iceland. The creator, Magnus Scheving, also writes and stars in the show, not to mention, sings the theme song. There are three live performers and the rest of the characters are puppets.

Lazy Town focuses on the main character Stephanie, played by Julianna Rose Mauriello, as she goes to visit her Uncle, the Mayor of Lazy Town. She is an active young girl who loves to dance and play. When she arrives in Lazy Town, she finds the town dirty and disheveled with the other children nowhere to be seen. They were all inside playing video games and eating junk food.

She complains to her uncle and he tells her about this superhero that used to live in an airship near Lazy Town. Stephanie contacts the superhero, Sportacus, played by Magnus Scheving, and he comes to her aid. The other live character is Robbie Rotten, the antagonist, played by Stefan Karl Stefansson. Robbie schemes in every episode to try and get rid of Sportacus and to stop the children from playing and eating healthy.

Each episode of Lazy Town focuses on some way to live a healthy lifestyle. These lessons include eating healthy, being active, getting enough sleep, and brushing your teeth among many others. It also focuses on teaching children to be a good friend and be true to whom you are inside. The message comes through clearly and is never overstated.

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Sportacus never stops moving. He is capable of doing just about anything. He attributes his hero status to the fact that he lives his life so healthy. He is constantly saving the residents of Lazy Town from precarious situations set up by Robbie Rotten. Robbie Rotten is the opposite of Sportacus in every way.

He lives life eating junk food and sleeping. He hates the fact that the children are outside and moving around. He is always disguising himself and setting up situations where the children will follow his bad habits and attempting to get Sportacus to leave Lazy Town forever.

Lazy Town has a great message for children. It teaches them the positive effects of living a healthy lifestyle, of eating right, exercising, and being a good person in general. The show also combines singing and dancing to keep the children entertained. It is also enjoyable for parents to watch and even the parents can benefit from such a positive message.
