Lady Gaga Hermaphrodite Picture Ignites Internet Rumor

Lady Gaga is known for a lot of things. For instance, she is known for being a talented singer-songwriter and an enormously entertaining performer. She is also known for having a killer pair of legs. But now she is starting to become known for something a little bit more controversial. Now there is a rumor floating around the blogosphere that Lady Gaga is a hermaphrodite. And the lady Gaga hermaphrodite picture is fueling the rumors and speculation. Indeed, the Lady Gaga hermaphrodite picture has got some people thinking that Lady Gaga actually is a hermaphrodite; the Lady Gaga hermaphrodite picture is causing some to believe that Lady Gaga was born with both male and female genitalia.

As the Inquisitr notes, the Lady Gaga hermaphrodite picture does show something rather suspicious between her legs – something that might indicate that Lady Gaga could be a hermaphrodite. The Lady Gaga hermaphrodite picture was taken from a video shot at the Glastonbury festival in England, and, according to the Inquisitr, the source video confirms that the Lady Gaga hermaphrodite picture has not been doctored.

In addition to the Lady Gaga hermaphrodite picture, there is an unconfirmed quote floating around the Internet wherein Lady Gaga admits that she is a hermaphrodite. Here is part of the the alleged quote:

“Its not something that I’m ashamed of, just isn’t something that I go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but I consider myself a female….”

While the Lady Gaga hermaphrodite picture does indeed look suspicious, it in way confirms that she is a hermaphrodite. Thus, at this point at least, a reasonable person ought to conclude that all of this is just another Internet rumor.

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But what if Lady Gaga were to come out and officially confirm that she is a hermaphrodite? What if, say, she did an interview with Barbara Walters and confessed to the world that she was born with both male and female genitalia?

Would it have a deleterious affect on her career? Would her fans abandon her?

That is hard to say. As far as I know, no high-profile entertainer has ever disclosed that they are a hermaphrodite, and so no precedent has been set. I would hope Lady Gaga’s fans would not be put off by such a revelation, but I just cannot say.

The actress Jamie Lee Curtis comes to mind.

For years now, there have been persistent rumors that Jamie Lee Curtis was born a hermaphrodite.

But the rumors have never been proven to be true.

It always best to operate under the assumption that, until proven otherwise, a rumor is just a rumor.

We owe it to Lady Gaga and Jamie Lee Curtis to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Picture said to prove that Lady Gaga is a Hermaphrodite, The Inquisitr