Labyrinth, a Poem About Life’s Choices

We build for ourselves a picture of things in our minds not sharing these visions with others. It is far better to be totally honest with people then to let them build your own labyrinth that ends up trapping you in the end. This is what so often ruins a beautiful relationship that could have remained friendly.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming but you should NOT build your hopes on them, for dreams often vanish.


I built myself a labyrinth so fine
and proud I was indeed.
It wound around and doubled back
its progress did impede.

The normal flow of everyday
No longer was a bore
as the winding, twisting passages
lead me through a brand new door.

I took the turns and found my way
the journey was so sweet,
I didn’t even notice all the broken glass
beneath my running feet.’

And when the passage was behind
I thought of love and dreams
but woke to find it was not so
but only fading promises and schemes.

So walk carefully my friends
least you be caught up too.
in a labyrinth of desire
that will break your heart in two.

See also  Labyrinths in Texas