Kyanite: Uncovering the Unusual Mineral Gem

Kyanite is another mineral that, while not technically a gemstone, is used as though it were. This rare blue crystal has unique metamorphic characteristics. It expands significantly and irrevocably when heated.

The name kyanite comes from the Greek word kyanos, which means blue. That may seem appropriate for the unusual blue silicate form of this mineral, which is the most common. However, kyanite isn’t always blue. It can also come in shades of white, gray, or green.

The color is generally not consistent throughout the gemstone. It can either be variegated in nature, ranging from an almost clear color to a much richer blue (or other color), or it can appear blotchy, spotted, or even streaked. This inconsistency is desirable in some respects, like for making one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces, but irritating for other uses because of the difference in the hardness of each colored section.

Kyanite almost always has a beautiful pearly luster. However, it can affect the translucency of the material. In truth, the gem can be found in a transparent, translucent, as opaque form or as a mixture of two or perhaps all three.

The stone is most often located in areas that are rich in aluminum metamorphic or sedimentary rock. Because it takes a great deal of pressure over long lengths of time to form this mineral, it is relatively rare in nature. It is found in primarily in Brazil and the United States (in North Carolina and Virginia).

Originally, the stone was used primarily in porcelain products like plumbing fixtures and spark plugs. Its heat resistance made it a perfect choice for such uses. Over time, it also began to be used in the making of other porcelain products like dinnerware.

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Somewhere along the line, someone got the idea to use the mineral as a gemstone because of its unusual blue color and unique properties. However, the rare availability of kyanite made finding pieces of jewelry featuring this material difficult to locate and expensive to purchase. But that rarity, of course, makes it appealing to gem and jewelry collectors alike.

Kyanite, unlike most gemstone materials, has a sliding scale of hardness that ranges from about 4.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. The difference in hardness has much to do with the impurities within the mineral as well as with how the stone may be cut.

Because it tends to be relatively soft, its use as a gemstone is often limited to pieces of jewelry that are less likely to take a daily beating. It isn’t recommended for rings or bracelets at all, as it most assuredly will rupture, crack, or break altogether. However, it has been successfully used in brooches, earrings, and pendants.

Kyanite can be faceted and exceedingly good crystals imitate the stunning blue of London blue topaz. However, the gem is most often cabochon cut or used in beads.

Its softness makes kyanite a difficult stone to care for. Jewelry items made from this material should never be stored loose in a box along with other items. That is inviting disaster. Instead, each piece should be individually boxed or pouched before they are stored.

Great care must be taken never to expose the stone to excessive heat. Its expansion properties could come into play and ruin the jewelry item altogether. Once expanded, the mineral can not and will not contract once again.

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Kyanite should never be immersed into harsh cleaning chemicals or inserted into an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. Jewelry items should simply be wiped with a clean, slightly dampened cloth.

Kyanite has several metaphysical properties. It is supposed to enhance its wearer’s creativity while also broadening the mind and making him or her able to better understand and accept the opinions of others. This, as well as the fact that it is considered a tranquility stone, makes kyanite a great talisman for those individuals who are regularly involved in mediation situations.

Its tranquil properties make kyanite the perfect gem for helping to rid one of frustration and anger. It is said to help balance all of the aspects of life. It is also good for students who are trying to absorb maximum knowledge, retain it, and use it appropriately.

Many psychics believe that kyanite can help to develop and/or broaden psychic awareness. It is also supposed to assist with more positive meditation. Some further believe that wearing the stone to bed will help to improve retention of dreams as well as make them easier to understand.

Kyanite is said to help its wearer develop greater tolerance, open lines of communication, and strengthen his or her spirituality. It is a strong stone for use as a talisman because it helps its wearer to achieve hopes and dreams.

The stone also has great healing power. It is recommended for those suffering from sinus problems as well as those who have severe muscular disorders. It is also supposed to help with diseases of the throat as well as lessen negative effects on the brain caused by ailments such as epilepsy.

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Kyanite is the stone for the astrological signs of Aries, Libra, and Taurus.