Kid’s Bedroom Decor Idea – Outer Space Astronaut Explorer

Decorating your kid’s bedroom can be a lot of fun. One popular theme for bedroom decor is the outer space explorer. Boys and girls alike enjoy outer space and the solar system. It is easy and fun to change your kid’s bedroom into a space adventure.

Paint Ideas for Outer space Kid’s Bedroom

Outer space is dark, but if you do not want to paint your kid’s bedroom black or dark blue, you can use white as a backdrop for your space decor. The easiest way to paint the walls of the outer space explorer bedroom is to start with colorful circles of varying sizes scattered across the room. These will be the planets. Add texture with paintbrushes or sponges. You can also add comets, moons, and even rocket ships.

Then, cut a sponge in a star shape. Dip the sponge in yellow or white paint and press it randomly across the room and ceiling. You can also purchase glow in the dark stars to stick to the ceiling of the room.

Furniture Ideas for Outer space Kid’s Bedroom

Once the paint is dry, move in the furniture. Tall dressers look like rocket ships painted grey with “USA” or “NASA” painted up the side. Use plywood attached to the sides of the bed to make it look like a space ship or the space shuttle. Alternately, you could cut half circle shapes from plywood and paint them like a planet or moon. Use these for the head and footboards of the bed.

Accessory Ideas for Outer space Kid’s Bedroom

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Your kid’s bedroom will really look like an outer space adventure with the addition of the right accessories. Sew or purchase round pillow and paint them with fabric paint to look like planets or the moon. Hang a planet or rocket ship mobile from the ceiling. Lava lamps provide light and look a lot like rockets.

Since the outer space bedroom decor idea is so popular for kids, you should be able to find space printed sheets, blankets, and curtains for the room. If not, use any color that matches the painted planets. Silver fabric is a great idea for curtains and pillows since it will remind your kid of a shiny spacecraft.

Your kid will enjoy their exciting outer space bedroom. With a rocket ship for a bed and planets circling around them, he or she can pretend to be an astronaut exploring deep space. The space decor idea for a kid’s bedroom is a popular and fun thing to do.