Kid’s Bedroom Decor Idea – Flower Garden Fantasy

If your daughter loves flowers and gardens, she will love to have her bedroom decorated like a flower garden fantasy. Kid’s bedrooms should be fun places for your children to play and live, and using a motif such as the flower garden will really add interest. Use the ideas below to turn your kid’s bedroom into a beautiful flower garden.

Flower Garden Kid’s Bedroom Painting Ideas

To make your kid’s bedroom into a flower garden fantasy, the first step is to paint the walls. A great way to begin is by painting the top third of each wall a pale, sky blue. The bottom two-thirds of each wall should be painted green as a backdrop to the flowers.

If you are talented with freehand painting, you can paint a garden path, statuary, benches, or any other garden designs. Another great way to decorate the walls is with a purchased length of picket fencing painted white. Simply nail the picket fencing flat to the wall.

After the walls are dry and the fence piece is in place on one of them, it is time to add the flowers. Using stencils or decals, or painting by hand, add multitudes of flowers all over the green part of the wall. On the fence, you can even use silk flower vines to wrap over them for a three-dimensional look.

Flower Garden Kid’s Bedroom Furniture Ideas

Once the walls are dry, it is time to bring in the kid’s bedroom furniture. You can purchase furniture with flower motifs, or you can update the old furniture by painting it. Paint flower vines around the bedposts, and flowers up the sides of the dresser and desk. Your kid’s bedroom can even have a painted wheelbarrow to hold toys, and a cushioned garden bench to sit on by the window.

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Flower Garden Kid’s Bedroom Accessory Ideas

The final step in creating a flower garden fantasy in your kid’s bedroom is the accessories you add. A flower shaped lamp and pillows are great decorations that you can purchase at any home store. You can make or purchase a hanging mobile of flowers or butterflies that will flutter when the wind blows. Using small flower pots on the dresser to hold small toys, toiletries, or pencils is another great idea.

Flower garden fantasy ideas for a kid’s bedroom can be vast. You can use just a few, or all, of these bedroom decor ideas to make a garden oasis for your daughter. Your kid is sure to appreciate the natural beauty of her flower garden fantasy bedroom.