Kellogg’s Raisin Bran Vs Post Raisin Bran

During the course of my life, I have consumed pounds of Kellogg’s Raisin Bran. My mother was a loyal patron of Kellogg’s, and I chose to follow in her footsteps. I have been a loyal patron of Kellogg’s Raisin Bran for almost thirteen years. It has never crossed my mind to try any other brand of Raisin Bran If someone even mentioned Post Raisin Brand in my presence, I would cringe, and probably put them out of my house. There was no way that I would betray Kellogg’s for the likes of Post.

I was recently standing in the cereal isle of the grocery store, pacing back and forth trying to find a box of Kellogg’s Raisin Bran. They were completely out. What was I going to do? I couldn’t live without my Raisin Bran. After about fifteen minutes of deliberation, I came to the conclusion to pick up a box of Post Raisin Bran, and put it in my shopping cart.

While I was pouring my Post Raisin Brand in the bowl, I noticed that the bran flakes were larger than the Kellogg’s bran flakes. I shrugged my shoulders, so what if the flakes were bigger. Then I noticed that the raisins in the Post Raisin Bran Cereal were a lot juicier than Kellogg’s Raisins. The raisins from the Post brand were not covered with sugar like the Kellogg’s brand. I started to get concerned. If I had to vote on looks alone, the Post Raisin Bran would win.

From the looks of things, I was almost afraid to taste the Post Raisin Brand. I was scared, and I didn’t want to face the fact that I might actually enjoy the taste of Post Raisin Bran. Was it possible for me to cheat on my beau Kellogg’s, with Post?

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I tried so hard to find some kind of inferiority in the Post Raisin Bran. I read the box. Post Raisin Brand has more Vitamin D, and Iron. Kellogg’s Raisin Bran has more Protein, and Potassium than Post Raisin Bran. There was not a significant difference in the fiber content. Both brands of cereal are excellent sources of whole grain, and fiber. The Post raisin Bran contained fifty percent of the recommended daily allowance of Folic Acid in a single serving. This is a plus for women who are pregnant, and need that extra boost of Folic Acid.

Now for the good part. Did the Post taste as good as it looked. I was ready for the taste test. In my heart of hearts, I was wishing that it would taste totally disgusting. I wanted to believe that Kellogg’s Raisin Bran was somehow superior to Post. Since I had spent so many years refusing to try Post, I just did not want to feel like an idiot.

Oh my gosh, I was surprised at what I was missing all of those years. After one taste, I was hooked. The Post Raisin Brand Cereal was great. It had a wonderful flavor, and the raisins just burst with plump juicy goodness. Trying the Post Raisin Bran, made me realize just how dry the flakes in the Kellogg’s Raisin Bran were.

I can’t believe that I spent all of my life refusing to try Post Raisin Bran. I hate to do it, but I am hanging up my Kellogg’s Raisin Bran hat. I’m not saying that Kellogg’s Raisin Bran Cereal is not delicious, because it is. I’m just saying that if you compare the Kellogg’s Raisin Bran to the taste of Post Raisin Bran Cereal, there is no competition. The Post Raisin Bran wins, hands down.