Keeping Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

A Hot Dog is not a good thing unless it’s in a bun with mustard. Keeping your dogs cool in hot weather is very important. The best place for your dogs to be in hot weather is at home in a cool spot. Never, never, never leave your dog in a hot car. If you can’t take your dog in with you where ever you are going, leave the dog at home.

There are many ways of keeping your dogs cooler when the weather is hot. Limit your dog’s outdoor activity when the weather is hot. Take walks very early in the morning and later at night in hot weather to avoid overheating for both you and your dog. If you walk is more than a few minutes long carry water and a water bowl and take a break for water.

When your dog is outside in hot weather, be sure there is deep shade available to keep your dog cool. A sunny yard is a fine place to play when it is cool, but shade is needed when the weather is hot. If you don’t have shade, put up a large sun umbrella or back yard canopy and create some artificial shade. If your dog likes to lie in the sun (mine does) encourage them to move or come in to a cooler place.

If your home is air conditioned your dog has automatically has a cool haven from the heat. If you do not have air conditioning, place fans at dog level to help keep your dog cool. Floor fans can be tilted to the right height to blow where your dog lies and provide a cooling breeze. In extreme weather, the basement may be the coolest spot in the house provided you have a dog safe area prepared. Letting the dog go to a cooler refuge in the hottest hours of the day may help them stay cool. You might want to go too!

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Water is very important to your dog in hot weather. Be sure there is fresh, clean water available at all times and your dog can get to it. Checking the water once a day is not sufficient, change and refill several water dishes frequently to make sure your dog has a nice cool drink. Adding ice to the water will make your dog cooler and your dog may love to play with the ice. Use regular ice cubes, or make your own giant ice blocks in plastic containers. A big block of ice added to a water bucket will keep the water cool for hours.

Try a small plastic kids pool in hot weather if your dog likes water. If your dog is willing, lying in the water, or playing in it will keep him cooler. If your dog wants no part of it, there isn’t much you can do but if your dog is a water dog he will love his own water park. You can try letting your dog play in the lawn sprinkler too.

Dogs are sensitive to heat and when hot weather arrives it is your job to make sure your dog has everything he needs to keep cool.