Kasi’s Root Beer Float Cake Recipe

I originally received this recipe from a friend and after a little tweaking made it my own. A packaged cake mix makes this recipe easy while root beer and vanilla gives it a special flavor. Our family is blessed with many summer birthdays and invariably this is the cake that is requested by the birthday child. My kids aren’t much of cake eaters yet they all agree that this is one of the best desserts they have ever had. My co-workers also often request I bring this cake to share for potluck lunches or just for a treat. We recently attended a party where I was met at the door by a friend’s daughter wanting to know if I had brought my root beer cake and indeed I had! When we got home my son ate three leftover pieces as a snack and the remaining three pieces for lunch the next day. The hint of root beer in the batter and sweet root beer frosting make this cake a deliciously different treat and served with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream it is an unforgettable taste of summer any time of the year. I hope you enjoy this tasty treat as much as my family does.


1 (18 to 14 ounce) package of your favorite white cake mix

2 and ¼ cups of your favorite cold root beer

¼ cup vegetable oil

2 eggs

2 envelopes whipped topping mix (Dream Whip)

1 tablespoon vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix the cake mix, 1 and ¼ cup root beer, oil, and eggs with an electric mixer set on low speed for two minutes or by hand for three minutes. Pour into a greased 11 x 9 x 2 baking dish. Bake for thirty to thirty-five minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool completely on a wire rack. The center of the cake will sink slightly as it cools, don’t worry this is normal. Slightly chill the cake in the refrigerator before frosting. For the topping, mix two envelopes whipped topping mix, vanilla, and remaining cup of root beer with a mixer set on high until stiff peaks form. The colder the root beer the better the frosting will set up. Frost the completely cooled cake and chill until the frosting sets before serving. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator or the topping will melt. Enjoy!