Just How Good for You Are Pomegranates?

Pomegranates are a food of antiquity. They are exotic. Often referred to in the Bible, they have been the subject of debate. Some say the pomegranate is something like what the “forbidden fruit” probably resembled.

Pomegranates are generally purchased from the supermarket in a bright, rosy red color, but can be found also in golden yellowish-red. This is the Persian or Babylonian pomegranate.

Either way they come, if you are lucky enough to harvest these gems or have someone give you a basketful, you have red gold on your hands. They really are so good for you. Pomegranates do not grow in many places. They are cultivated in the Middle East, India, California and in Southern Europe.

Israel has been doing research to discover just what the benefits are from the seed and the juice. An inventor there has a patent on a pomegranate juicer. It is also possible to use an old-style orange juicer to crush the seeds.

Health Benefits from Eating Pomegranates

It is known that by consuming pomegranates one can keep a balance on cholesterol, give the body a high-antioxidant injection and keep the blood from clotting. Eight ounces of juice every day for three months helps to oxygenate the muscles of the heart. This is beneficial to those who have or are ate risk of having coronary heart disease or strokes. Doctors and researchers believe it can fight against breast cancer and prostrate cancer.

It is known to help reduce depression and increase the ability to sleep for those having sleeping problems, as it stimulates the receptors of serotonin. You will find pomegranates to be an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of vitamins A and E and folic acid.

See also  Amazing Pomegranate Facts You'll Want to Know

Pipping a Pomegranate

So what can one do with all this goodness? A lot! Pomegranates are difficult to pip, but well worth the effort. Some people cut them in half and break open the membrane under water. The pips float to the top and are easy to scoop out. Some cut them in small sections and pip them.

The best way may be to cut them in half over newsprint. Turn them over and tap on them with the handle of a heavy spoon and then pull the skin back while pressing in on the center. The seeds will fall right out. Any way you do it, it will be messy, so an apron is recommended.

Cooking Ideas for Pomegranate Seeds or Juice

About three average size pomegranates will yield enough for a small glass of juice. It is so lovely and smooth. Pomegranate juice makes excellent jelly or molasses. The seeds are delicious tossed into a salad, into soup or sautéed with diced almonds and cream for a nice meat sauce. Perhaps one of the most creative ways to use pomegranates is to make a sorbet. Add a bit of champagne and you have a wonderful festive holiday treat.

Pomegranates are so tasty and lush. They are so excellent for the body. Experiment and find a way that suits you. The time for harvesting them is around the corner.

For more fruit ideas and further reading visit The Top 10 Spas in the World, “Ideas for Using All the Fruit in the Garden”

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