July 23: Holidays and Celebrations Today

Happy July 23rd!

July 23rd is a special holiday. In fact, every day’s a holiday for someone and for some reason.

Although we may not know the origins of many of these holidays, avid celebrants will participate eagerly in marking July 23rd as a most special day for so many different reasons.

Here are several of the most popular holidays celebrated on July 23rd (arranged alphabetically):

Gorgeous Grandma Day

Have you been blessed with a gorgeous grandma, a marvelous matriarch, a red-hot granny, a pulchritudinous gammy or a nicely turned out Nana? July 23rd is Gorgeous Grandma Day. Why not pay your grandmother a visit today, or pick up the phone to give her a call?

By the way, July is National Purposeful Parenting Month, although the origins of this holiday are a bit unclear. Still, it seems a worthy time to recognize those adoring, and adorable, grandmothers.

Hot Dog Day

Hot dog! July 23rd is Hot Dog Day. Roast those wieners, boil up those frankfurters or fire up the barbecue to cook up some tube steaks for a delicious and easy midsummer meal.

The fourth week of July is Don’t Eat Meat Week in certain regions, so July 23rd is an ideal time to pound the protein ahead of time. Besides, it’s Hot Dog Day.

Hot Enough For Ya Day

Whew! Is it hot enough for ya today?

The mercury skyrockets in mid- to late July – at least, in the Northern Hemisphere of the earth. What is the all-time record high temperature in your region? Did this super-hot day happen in July?

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The proverbial Dog Days of Summer are underway. July 23rd offers everyone license to express the tired, but apt, question: Is it hot enough for ya today?

Ice Cream Cone Day

According to ice cream lore, an ice cream vendor created and served the first ice cream cone during the St. Louis World’s Fair, on July 23, 1904. Apparently, the vendor had run out of ice cream cups, so he asked a neighboring food vendor to share his fresh-baked waffles with his customers.

Whether or not this sweet story holds water, July 23rd is Ice Cream Cone Day. How many scoops would you like?

Mosquito Day

Zing! July 23rd is also Mosquito Day. Right smack in the middle of the summer, those little buggers are biting.

Mosquito Day reminds campers, sports enthusiasts, sunbathers and others to grab the bug spray. Those blood-sucking buzzers are waiting outdoors to attack unprepared humans and animals, perhaps spreading such mosquito-borne infections as dengue fever, encephalitis, malaria or West Nile Virus.

The third week of July is also Lyme Disease Awareness Week – another great reason to apply that insect repellant before embarking on an outdoor excursion.

Vanilla Ice Cream Day

July 23rd is Vanilla Ice Cream Day, and you’ve gotta love it. Pure and simple – the ultimate comfort food – vanilla ice cream is refreshing to nearly anyone’s palate.

Who doesn’t enjoy digging into a delicious scoop of vanilla ice cream on a hot summer day? Pour on some colorful sugar sprinkles, or ladle a bit of caramel or fudge sauce on top. Enjoy!

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July is National Ice Cream Month in the United States (and many other locations as well).

Special Saints Days (Various)

The Calendar of the Saints lists the following for July 23rd: Anne of Constantinople, Apollinaris, Bridget of Sweden, Herundo, Jane of Orvieto, John Cassian, Liborius, Martyrs of Bulgaria, Phocas the Gardener, Rasyphus, Ravennus, Romula, Theophilus, Trophimus and Valerian.

Notable Anniversaries on July 23rd:

On July 23, 1903, the Ford Motor Company sold its first Model A automobile for $750.00.

The Beatles (including band-mates John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr) released their Help! album in the United Kingdom on July 23, 1965.

Various Other July 23rd Holidays

July 23rd is also Annie Oakley Day, Barbosa’s Birthday (Puerto Rico), Bata’s Fiesta (Equatorial Guinea), Debt Decision Day (Japan), Egyptian Revolution Day (Libya), Ethiopian Emperor’s Day, Feast of Sulis – Goddess of Mineral Springs Day, Fiesta de Santiago (Guatemala), Haile Selassie Celebration Day (Rastafarian), Health & Happiness with Hypnosis Day, Hurricane Supplication Day (U.S. Virgin Islands), Martyr’s Day (Armenia), Mayhem New Year, National Children’s Day (Indonesia), Neptunalia and Salcia Sea Gods Day, Remembrance Day (New Guinea), Revolution Day (Egypt), Soma No Umadi – Wild Horse Chasing Day (Japan), St. Apollinaris Feast Day and St. Bridget’s Day (Sweden).

Happy July 23rdto one and all!

Other Notable Holidays:

Click here to check other calendar dates for notable holidays and additional holiday content from this author.

(Note: Annually, some dates may fluctuate to accommodate weekends and local calendars.)




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