John Frieda Sheer Blonde Luminous Color Glaze for Deeper, Platinum to Champagne

I have had a love, hate relationship with Mr. John Frieda for quite a few years now. Some days when he has a date with my hair, they fall in love…and other times he really does her wrong.

When I came across John Frieda Sheer Blonde Luminous Color Glaze for Deeper, Platinum to Champagne I was interested in this whole glaze concept.

Basically it was a permanent glaze I would be adding to my already colored hair. A glaze that would add glistening shine. A glaze that would bring my dull hair up a few notches! Ah yes, every woman dreams about this glaze, this shine, the kind of hair that gals have in commercials.

Looking at the mirrored type box, and the pretty picture on it, I was convinced. It would work! It would work! Gimme, gimme, mine, mine!!!! Woohooo!!!

I dropped down $10.00 to the CVS clerk and headed home.


Applying John Frieda Sheer Blonde Luminous Color Glaze for Deeper, Platinum to Champagne was sort of a messy smelly pain in the keester to use. The directions stated that I should shampoo and condition first, and then add in some of the John Frieda Sheer Blonde Luminous Color Glaze for Deeper, Platinum to Champagne to my hair. Leave in for 3 minutes and rinse. I am to repeat this process 3 times a week.

It sounded easy, but once I went to apply the balm which was so runny it nearly went through my fingers while trying to apply it. It was messy and annoying, but not quite as annoying as the scent, which smelled like chemical hair dye.

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After leaving the stinky stuff in for 3 minutes and rinsing out it made my hair feel silky, but rubbery. It is truly hard to explain, but you get that sick feeling in your stomach when you feel your hair…that same sick feeling you get when someone runs their finger nails down a chalk board. Thats sort of what your hair will feel like…sort of.


After using John Frieda Sheer Blonde Luminous Color Glaze for Deeper, Platinum to Champagne I did notice a change in the luster of my hair. However the change was so very subtle it was barely recognizable, and no one noticed but me. I expected a bit more for my money, but honestly for only $10.oo what was I expecting, miracles? Hah!


Not really. If the price was cut in half, then yes, but other than that it’s sickly smell and nasty feeling it leaves behind in your hair is just not worth it.

Where to find John Frieda Sheer Blonde Luminous Color Glaze for Deeper, Platinum to Champagne?

You can pick up this glaze and other glazes for different colored hair at any drug store or super store nation wide.