Jack in the Box’s Chicken Fajita Pita: Best of Chains New Offerings

As someone who was born and raised in Ohio, I haven’t had the chance to experience the fast food restaurant Jack in the Box. I had heard about it, as had most people but I had never actually tried their food. On a recent trip to Charlotte, North Carolina I decided to give the fast food restaurant a try, and I am very glad I did. Of all their offerings, the best is one of their newer items, the Chicken Fajita Pita.

The Chicken Fajita Pita from Jack in the Box is easily one of the best fast food offerings around. The Chicken Fajita Pita is tasty, and a great bargain. As soon as I saw it listed on the menu, I knew it was something that I had to try, and now all I can say is that I hope other fast food restaurants start offering similar dishes.

The Jack in the Box Chicken Fajita Pita is made using a traditional pita. The pita itself is fairly soft, but it also had a few grill marks. The pita is first warmed, then split in half and filled with the other items. There are two lettuce leaves, pieces of grilled seasoned chicken, grilled onions, cheese sauce, and small tomato pieces.

I was excited to try the Chicken Fajita Pita from Jack in the Box, but not sure how it would be. Many fast food restaurants use a large number of the vegetables, and only a handful of chicken pieces. That wasn’t the case here. Jack in the Box used a nice mixture of meat and vegetables. Each bite had a small amount of meat, cheese, and vegetables.

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The romaine lettuce in the Chicken Fajita Pita added a nice bit of crunch to each bite, and also had another pleasant side effect. The lettuce leaves protected the wetter ingredients inside from leaking out, and also kept the pita from becoming soggy. The grilled onions were a nice touch as well, adding a nice flavor to the overall sandwich. The chicken itself had a nice flavor, and a bit of unexpected spice.

My only real complaint with the Chicken Fajita Pita from Jack in the Box is that the chicken pieces were almost too big. Each piece was more than a bite size, and when I tried to bite them in half, some of the pieces fell out of the pita. That is one problem that I can easily handle.

If you are lucky enough to live in an area with a Jack in the Box fast food restaurant, I highly recommend you try the Chicken Fajita Pita.