Is Natural Fructose Unhealthy?

It seems every time you pick up a health magazine, you’re confronted with the dangers of high fructose corn syrup. While high fructose corn syrup has received a great deal of negative press for its role in contributing to diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, it’s created some confusion in the mind of the public who have come to believe that all fructose is bad, even natural fructose. Is there any truth to this?

What is high fructose corn syrup and how does it differ from natural fructose?

High fructose corn syrup is manufactured from corn syrup which is composed primarily of glucose moles. To make high fructose corn syrup, enzymes are added to the corn syrup to change some of the glucose molecules to fructose. This forms a syrup that’s around ninety percent fructose. This syrup can be used as is or additional glucose syrup can be added, depending upon how the syrup is to be used.

Why is high fructose corn syrup so commonly found in food and beverages?

High fructose corn syrup is in particular demand with beverage manufacturers as it’s a cost expedient way to add sweetness to drinks, particularly soft drinks. Beverage manufacturers can realize significant savings by using high fructose corn syrup in place of table sugar since the price of corn is so economical. Unfortunately, studies suggest that high fructose corn syrup may be more harmful to the body than simple table sugar because of the fact that it’s broken down more quickly by the body, resulting in a faster rise in blood sugar levels.

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How is natural fructose different?

In contrast to high fructose corn syrup which has been processed from corn syrup by using a variety of enzymes to create fructose molecules from glucose molecules, natural fructose is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables in its unaltered form. Fruits with high natural fructose contents include raisins, apples, and pears, although you can find it in a wide range of produce. Natural fructose is also found in honey. This natural fructose found in healthy fruits and vegetables you eat every day is unlikely to have the same negative effects as those ascribed to the highly processed high fructose corn syrup.

Why are some manufacturers calling it natural?

Because natural fructose is found in a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables, the manufacturers of high fructose corn syrup have capitalized upon this fact to promote high fructose corn syrup as “natural”, implying that it’s healthy. Although it contains no synthetic ingredients the fact that it’s been enzymatically produced from the glucose in corn syrup implies that it’s processed and is different from the natural fructose found in fruits and vegetables.

Getting natural fructose in the form of fruits and vegetables provides you with additional nutrients and antioxidants that promote a healthier body. The fructose found in high fructose corn syrup is used only to add sweetness to foods and provides no nutritional value. In addition, fruits and vegetables contain fiber which helps to moderate any effect the fructose may have on blood sugar levels.

The bottom line? Don’t give up your apples and other natural fructose sources that provide you with so much additional nutrition. Just limit your consumption of products where fructose is added strictly for purposes of sweetening.

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