Is Maximized Living a Scam?

You might have already met, been tested by, and had a meeting with Maximized Living chiropractor. In an effort to attract more customers, they conduct health screenings at malls, in Wal-Mart, at festivals, and many other unlikely locations.

But many people have questions regarding Maximized Living, and are wondering if it a scam. Some people argue that there really is little or nothing of value in these so-called health screenings. Those who are convinced that Maximized Living is a scam say that the chiropractor or his assistants entice you with a free scan of your nervous system, and then attempt to get you to come back to them for x-rays and further tests.

Those who claim that Maximized Living is a scam say the part where they really trick you is right at the first visit with your maximized living chiropractor. You would be required to fill out some forms and this form is different from the ones you fill at other chiropractic offices. Here you will be signing on a page which states that they are looking for vertebral subluxations AND NOTHING MORE. This means that if you have a back problem due to herniation, cancer etc., they will not carry out any test to check and see if there is anything other than subluxation that is the cause of your problem. This is a complete violation of the standard code for chiropractic care.

After this procedure you would be required to read some material, and come back once more in which the chiropractor will reveal the results of your x-rays. At this next meeting, you are also required to bring your spouse if you have one, and the meeting also takes place with other patients and their spouses. This might be an attempt to acquire even customers. At the meeting, which some call a brain-washing session, the chiropractor essentially reads from a rehearsed script in which a lot of statistics and facts are revealed that lead you to believe that Maximized Living is capable of solving any and all health problems, within reason, of course. As an attendee at one of these sessions, I can tell you that I was nearly convinced myself.

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Your x-rays are at least shown in private, and then the chiropractor will discuss what type of treatment plan he has in mind for you. Usually a very large number of visits is required for you to get the full healthful effects of Maximized Living. They also offer a discount on treatment, but require you to pay a large balance in advance. The discount is forfeit if you stop treatment or do not get the certain amount of treatments within an allotted time period.

Some reviews of Maximized Living also state that the doctors attempt to pressure people into receiving more treatment, that the x-rays are performed in a manner as to appear that you first have problems, but then are being healed, and other religious connotations as well. While not all of this can be validated, there are a growing number of people who have voiced concern over Maximized Living and whether or not it is a scam.