Internet Phone Options

We’ve all heard of it. “Broadband phone service”. But what is it exactly? Where do you get it, how does it work, do you even want it? Or want to know about it for that matter?

Plain and simply, broadband phone service is a technology which allows us to receive and send phone signals along a broadband cable line. There are two aspects to using this technology; the cable Internet and the broadband phone provider. To use this service, you must use or plan to use a cable Internet provider. The broadband phone service you choose will generally provide you with the modems needed to get your phone line up and running…you need only use your existing phone…plug ‘er in…and let ‘er rip!

I find broadband phone service so important in our monthly budgeting process, that I have dedicated an entire article to it! Why do I want you to know about it? For these reasons:

1. It’s CHEAP! The main reason we switched over…it saves us money. Using broadband phone service, we pay only $24.95 per month for our phone for unlimited hours of phone usage.

2. It allows you to afford cable Internet. There is no way on earth that I could justify paying for cable Internet…before broadband phone service, that is! We used free Internet services for many years. Dial-up as slow as molasses…but it worked. Now we can surf at speeds that would make even Superman jealous.

3. Expensive phone features are included…FREE! In our many years of marriage, we have gone without things like caller ID, call waiting, etc. We were already shelling out $70.00 per month for our phone service and long distance and could never see the wisdom in indulging in these other features. Although convenient, I would rather have put the money into our savings account. With most broadband phone companies caller ID, voice mail, and call waiting are all included in the base price!

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4. FREE long distance! No more setting the timer as you talk to Auntie Ethel in Kalamazoo! Long distance charges are a thing of the past with broadband phone service. Call anyone, anywhere, anytime all included in the base price.

5. Check your voice mail on the Internet! Perhaps this isn’t a WOW factor for many, but for me (whose second home is on the computer) it’s a great feature! I can check my email and listen to my voicemail…all at the same time!

6. It gives you greater choices. When choosing a phone company in the past (the dark ages of the 90’s), we were limited to only one choice. Two if you were lucky. Now, with the availability of broadband on the Internet, we can break the monopoly these larger big-wigs had on the phone industry. Greater freedom of choice in an already free country…how can it get any better than that?

So there you have it folks. The few simple reasons why I think broadband phone service is a really SMART idea. At least now you know what it is, and can made an educated decision about whether or not you want it in your life.


  • Visit any of these broadband providers: VonageI ConnectHereLingo