Internet Chat Acronyms and Jargon Glossary

This guide should help those frustrated with these acronyms, abbreviations and slang terms decipher what is being said by social Internet users.

TTYL: Talk To You Later.

Cya: See ya; as in, I will see you later

DL: Download.

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

Orly: Oh Really?

Yarly: Yes, Really.

MMO/MMORPG: Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game

WOW: World Of Warcraft

F2P: Free To Play. (Also indicates you should never ever play this game.)

OP: Original Post/Poster

OC: Original Content. (Most likely a myth)

LOL: Laugh Out Loud. (no one has actually laughed out loud prior to typing this sunce the early 90s)

ROFL: Rolling On Floor Laughing

LMAO: Laughing My Ass Off.

ALL CAPS: Indicates yelling or the presence of Billy Mays.

Lolcats: Cats in cute and or funny pictures with captions written in a particular kind of netspeak known as lolspeak. The most common example of lolspeak is “I can haz cheeseburger?” which is a request for a cheeseburger.

FML: F— My Life. Refers primarily to an extremely popular site featuring short stories outlining the everyday disasters of readers.

1337: pronounced “leet” a shortened form of the word elite. It refers to internet or computer programming skills of the highest sort. 1337sp34k or leetspeak is the use of numbers to type words.

Plox/plz: please

Pwn: originally a typo of the word own. It became so common it has replaced own. It means to dominate, beat, prevail over, etc. Pwnage is a common form.

Thread: a forum topic and all responses.

Godwin’s Law: “As a thread grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.” When this happens it is considered the end of a thread and proof that all parties involved are no longer or never were reasonable.

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Lurk/Lurker: Lurking is the act of reading a forum or chat without posting anything. This is usually approved of and disapproved of in fairly equal amounts as a lurker does not contribute anything but is not detracting from the discussion.

Spam: extremely repetitive posting/E-mailing/commenting usually perpetrated by someone who stands to make a profit. Spam is the most universally detested offense on the internet. If you spam or are believed to be a spammer you will be banned with extreme prejudice.

Ban: When the moderator of a chat/forum/web service/etc prevents an individual from posting, usually as punishment. There are numerous kinds of bans. A permaban is intended to be permanent and will last until a moderator removes it. An ip ban blocks a particular ip address so that no matter what a user at that address does they cannot post on that site; this often causes irl drama when multiple family members use the same computer. An Account Ban blocks a user based not on ip but by their account, the most easily circumvented variety of ban.

Banhammer: when an individual is capable of banning an individual they are said to wield the banhammer.

Mod: Moderator, usually wields the mighty banhammer.

Shoop/Shop: to Photoshop or digitally edit a picture.

Teh: Intentional misspelling of “the.” Lolspeak.

Moar: Intentional misspelling of “more” lolspeak

Liek: Intentional misspelling of “like” only used to indicate approval or affection not similarity. lolspeak

N00b/noob: Someone who has not learned the proper social intricacies, function of, or developed sufficient skill and experience with the use of something. Usually a video game but anything with a chat or forum will have n00bs. Unlike a “newb” who is simply new to something a n00b can remain a n00b indefinatly. N00b is an insult and indicates stupidity, lack of skill, lack of experience, ignorance, social ineptitude, and often naïveté.

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Troll: Though it originally had a different meaning it now refers to someone who makes intentionally inflammatory remarks in order to get a rise out of people. A troll argues for sport and almost always cares little or nothing about the substance of the subject they are discussing. Someone who responds to a troll is referred to as troll-bait; troll-bait is more disliked than trolls themselves. Do not feed the trolls, your hatred only makes them stronger.

Google: Beneficent dictator of the internet and final arbiter of all knowledge. When used as a verb it means to search for a term using Google.

AFK: Away From Keyboard.

FTW: For The Win.

IM: Instant Message.

AIM: AOL Instant Messenger

G2G: Got To Go; I have to leave.

BRB: (I will) Be Right Back.

Meme: Sort of hard to explain; essentially it is an internet “in joke.”

Imho/imo: In My Humble Opinion.
