Interesting Facts About New York, the Empire State

Did You know…

With a surface of 53,989 sq.mi, New York is America’s 27th largest State, well ahead of Ohio, Oklahoma, New Jersey and Rhode Island, among other States. Curiously, New York’s terrority is about the sized of the Kingdom of Nepal, known for its mountains and Buddhist temples.

New York is a middle Atlantic State and is bordered by Canada, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vertmont and Lakes Ontario and Erie.

It is the country’s third-largest State in population. There are 2o million inhabitants in the New York State.

What President was the First American to receive the Nobel Prize for Peace?
By 1906, Theodore Roosevelt, who was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City, became the first American President to win the Nobel for his efforts to world peace between Japan and Russia.

Men’s Soccer World Cup
Despite being a World-Class city, New York City has not been home to the FIFA World Cup in the 20th and 21st centuries– like occurred with the British capital of London (1966), Tokyo (2002), Paris (1938 & 1998), and Seoul (2002).

Women’s Rights: Geraldine Ferraro
By late 1984, New York’s Geraldine Ferraro became the first American woman to be nominated Vice President by a major political party. Before and after that time, she, of Italian heritage, was a crusader for women’s rights and a worldwide voice, along with women such as India’s Prime Minister Indira Ghandi, Mozambique’s ex First Lady Graca Machel and the former astronaut Valentina Tereshkova of then USSR/Soviet Union.

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United Nations
UN headquarters is in New York City (NY), between First Avenue and Roosevelt Drive and E.42d St. and E.48th St. Since the late 1940s, this wondrous city has been home of eight UN secretaries general: Trygve Lie (Norway), Dag Hammarksjild (Sweden),U Thant (Burma/Myanmar), Kurt Waldheim (Austria), Javier Pérez de Cuéllar (Peru), Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Egypt), Kofi Annan (Ghana) and Ban Ki-Moon (South Korea).

State Song
The State song is “I Love New York”.

Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis
As well as having been one of the most beautiful women in the past century, America’s former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis, an avid Francophile since a very young age, was blessed with a great intelligence and personality. She hails from New York City and passed away in 1994. Without a doubt, she holds a special place in modern history as one of the Planet’s most famous women.

Famous New Yorkers
The American State of New York is well-known for their famous people and contribution to the economy, music , diplomacy, economy, tourism, arts, culture and wildlife. Among these world-class New Yorkers are Eugene O’Neill, novelist and scholar…Susan B. Anthony, feminist and campaigner for women’s rights…Franklin D. Roosevelt,President of the U.S….Michael Jordan, one of the icons of men’s basketball…Milton Friedman,economist…Calvin Klein, fashion designer…Barbra Streisand, singer and actress.

Youngest President
After William McKinley’s death on September 6, 1901, New York’s Theodore Roosevelt became America’s youngest President. He was reelected in 1904.

Winter Games in Lake Placid
By the early 1930s, Lake Placid became the first American city (and third on Earth) to host the Winter Olympics. By 1980, this New Yorker city once again hosted the Winter Games. Here, the Olympic American team finished third with six gold medals,behind the Soviet Union and the German Democratic Republic/East Germany. Nonetheless, the U.S. men’s ice hockey had an athletic miracle when they defeated the favored Finish and Russian squads to take the Olympian title and subsequently them were declared “national heroes.

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Tourism: Niagara Falls
Without a doubt, New York’s Niagara Falls is one of America’s most spectacular sites, considered by travel writers and photographers as one of the Planet’s most beautiful waterfalls alongside Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls and Iguazu of South America. Due its extraordinary beauty, this place was elected by the Miss Universe Organization to host the Miss USA Pageant in the mid-1970s.
