Interesting Facts About Giant Pandas

A giant panda is an adorable black and white giant bear, which is widely recognized as an endangered species. According to San Diego Kids (2012), this species is related to the bear family, due to the way it behaves like any other type of bear species in the wild. These bears are generally found living in the local zoos or in central mountains in China. The giant panda does not hibernate or sleep through the winter like other species of the bears normally do.

What do they look like?

The giant panda has a white head with the cutest black ears and black circles around their eyes, which reminds of a raccoon. This species of panda has four black legs and white can be found everywhere else. According to Defenders of Wildlife (2012) a panda has five fingers and an enlarged wrist bone which works like a humans thumb. The adult giant panda is about 5 ft long, 2.5 ft tall at shoulders, and weighs 300 lbs.

Where do they live?

They are found living in zoos all over the world, where they are safe from poachers and the hunters who would kill them. The zoo’s researchers are learning more about this amazing animal, who has captured so many hearts with its majestic beauty. According to National Geographic (2012), they can be found living in isolated wet areas within the remote mountains of central China.

What do they eat?

The wild giant panda is good at climbing the bamboo trees, despite their enormous size and stature. According to Defenders of Wildlife (2012), the giant panda absolutely enjoys eating bamboo stalks and they will also eat insects and fruit. An average adult giant panda eats around 25 – 40 lbs of bamboo a day. However, the giant panda will climb bamboo trees, in order to get to the stalks but they usually sleep at the bottom of the tree at night.

See also  The Giant Panda is Near Extinction

How do they reproduce?

The giant panda will generally breed during March to, but the only stay pregnant for 3-5 months and may produce pregnancy may produce one or two cubs. According to Defenders of Wildlife (2012), the baby panda is hairless as a newborn and they are blind until their eyes open at 6-8 weeks after birth. The baby cub will drink its mother’s milk for about six months and become independent of its mother between 1- 3 years

Are they endangered?

The giant panda is a poster child and well known for being an international endangered species that may need protection. The World Wildlife Fund and other conservationist are trying to protect them in the wild and at zoos. Unfortunately, only one panda cub will survive if the mother has twins. According to Defenders of Wildlife (2012), it is estimated that only about 2000 giant pandas live in the wild and about 200 are held in captivity at the zoo. The panda’s average life span is about 20-30 years in captivity, but not much is known about the wild giant panda because they live in solitude.


National Geographic (2012) Giant Pandas

Retrieved on Nov.25th, 2012 from the World Wide Web

Defenders of Wildlife (2012) Pandas

Retrieved on Nov.25th, 2012 from the World Wide Web

San Diego Kids (2012) Giant Panda facts for Kids

Retrieved on Nov.25th, 2012 from the World Wide Web